Okay I'm totally bummed, while catching up on my blog reading I ran across the cutest crocheted ice cream cones from the Crochet Me newsletter. I found them at Donna's and Julie's blogs. I'm bummed because I can no longer get the chart unless someone that has received it sends it to me. Hint, hint ;) Yes, I'm shamelessly begging here. I have signed up to receive future newsletters so I will no longer be left out of all the fun.
Ok two blog entries in a matter of minutes. Guess I'm making up for being an irresponsible blogger the last week or so.
One more quick quilting observation before I leave, no matter how long it takes, regardless of what Jinny Beyer says, I think in the long run it does pay to take the time to trace the sewing line onto the fabric at least when piecing by hand. I don't really trust my eyeballing of the 1/4 inch sewing line. I think this quilt top is going to be stretched to hell and gone just to make the blocks all line up and be close to the same size. Then again maybe I'm not doing too bad of a job. I don't have a lot of faith in my accuracy. I try and I've accepted the fact that it's not going to be perfect but at the very least this is going to be a very wonky quilt. I'm glad it's more for him to just drag around and love than an actual bed covering. I'm not even going to quilt it, just tie it. Before I start DS#1's Ohio Star I can guarantee that every piece of every block will have a traced on sewing line because the Ohio Star is made up of not only squares but 4 triangle blocks too. YIKES! That's just a piecing disaster waiting to happen. All those points to line up.
Trust me if I were rich enough to afford good ol' American made quilts, I wouldn't even attempt to make my own. But alas, I am forced to make my own dorky homemade quilts. Maybe my decendants will get a good laugh at my attempts at quilting one day. My biggest fear is that my skills will not improve with each quilt, how sad will that be?
Sunday, May 30, 2004
Weekend Thus Far
Things have been busy. My kids have been on summer vacation all of a week and are already driving me crazy. It's going to be a long, long summer here along Florida's Emerald Coast.
I managed to get three, maybe four rows crocheted on my gemstone/black afghan. The afghan is just 3 inches shy on either side of being king size. I'm planning to take a progress pic tomorrow as I have some film I need to use up. Hopefully I'll have a few progress pics of various projects by the end of the week. I really would love to invest in a digital camera, but since I don't have one right now I just have to wait on developing and finishing out rolls of film.
I'm hoping that this blog is making some kind of sense to the reader as I'm hopped up on cold meds and tend to ramble.
I've also been working on DS#3's quilt top. Yes, the same one I said I wanted to finish over a week ago. I'm very close, but not quite, finished. I've been bouncing around on what color to use for the sashing and I'm also rethinking my plan of using a wild tropical fish print for the backing. I may just go with a nice batik.
I've been rereading Lisa Boyer's That Dorky Homemade Look for inspiration as this quilt is about as dorky looking a quilt as you'll find. It's your basic nine patch block and it uses a lot of novelty fabrics. Some I used more than once because there's just so many novelty fabrics I was able to find in my area so I focused on novelty fabrics that had several images I could take from each cut of fabric. In theory it's an I Spy Quilt, in all honesty it's just butt ugly. My son will love it though because there's a lot going on in the quilt top. I tried to tone down the wildness of the quilt using black in the blocks--of course I think now that the black is what makes it uglier than it might have been if I had gone with say a red or navy. I'm hoping to have a pic of it on this roll of film so that you, the reader, can see what I'm talking about here.
I'm obsessing now over the Summer Fiesta Afghan in the new Crochet magazine. It's so cool. I started to buy the magazine yesterday but I just recently subscribed to Crochet and since I have received my bill I'm hoping this new issue will be my first subscription issue. Just as sure as I buy it it will show up in my mailbox. If it isn't here by next weekend I may go on and buy it.
The funny thing is, recently I have been toying with doing a granny square afghan in the Red Heart Kids colors of lime, orange, yellow, pink, turquoise, orchid, and blue(maybe periwinkle too). Yes, that would be one wild granny square afghan. I thought it would be a fun summer project. Granny squares aren't too hot to create while sitting out in the yard like a larger one piece afghan would be. Oh, what's funny about it is that these colors, a few of them are used in the Summer Fiesta afghan in Crochet magazine. What I'm unsure about with my granny square afghan, should all the centers be the same color or just the final round of each granny square? I'm planning on the lime to be the edging color. Now I wonder though if the blue should be the anchoring color and just let the squares run wild with all the bright colors. I hate having to make these decisions because I'm just not good with colors. I know how I want things to look and how I think they'll look in my mind, but reality is never quite the same. Maybe I just have really bad taste. Anyway I love the lime and want it to be the main color. Guess I'll start stockpiling Red Heart Kids yarn and maybe can start on this sometime in July. Wonder if I should just kit up the Summer Fiesta afghan while I'm at it? Can you tell I'm just a Florida chick through and through? I love those wild neon bright colors. I ought to be able to get them out of my system this summer though. Two bright afghans and DS#1's glow in the dark Ohio Star quilt should have me ready to puke by the end of summer. I'll be begging for some nice neutral colors to sooth me.
I've also been sorting through some cross stitch projects that are in my "waiting to start" pile. I had forgotten how many wonderful projects are sitting on go. Every so often it's good to fondle the stash.
My interests vary so much, I try to make time for them all because in their own way each one is rewarding.
I love crocheting because it's soothing. I love the rythmn of the hook and now there's just so many fun, funky, hip things to crochet my list of "want to do" projects grows and grows. I even added a crochet section to my cross stitch organizer. I think the blank pages for the cross stitch projects will work fine for making lists of what I need for various projects and that way I'll have it with me all the time and every time I'm out shopping I can pull out my organizer and see what colors I need and what the store has. Stitcher's Organizer with a little tweaking could work well for any kind of stasher. The files are all for cross stitch supplies and designers but the blank pages can be downloaded and used to keep track of crochet stash, things needed for future projects, patterns and magazines you have in the stash or want to buy. I used to have tons of lists in my purse for various projects and even books I want to read. Since discovering the Stitcher's Organizer I've combined all my hobby stashes in one convenient place. I bought dividers and have a section for Crochet projects that I want to kit up and a reading section that lists books I want to buy. Since I keep my day runner in my purse it's with me whenever I'm at the Used bookstore or the Mall or the LNS or Walmart. The cross stitch section is more thorough as I have a list of DMC threads I have already in the stash, GAST, WDWs, projects in rotation, projects that are kitted and ready to go and then projects that need kitting up. It's really nice to have everything all together especially since I plan projects way in advance. I can't help it, I love kitting things up and hoarding them at home so they are ready to go when I get an urge to start them. Since I make only rare trips to the Hobby Lobby, which happens to have the best yarn selection, it's even better that I have all these dream projects and what I need for them listed and with me at all times. I've been reading so much lately about people with "stash guilt", I can honestly say I have no guilt at all about any stash I have hoarded up and any projects waiting to be worked on. I love my stash. It's my security blanket, it's there for me when there is no money to buy new stash, it saves me from boredom, it brings me pleasure.
The only guilt I have at the moment is for the projects that are thisclose to being finished and I just can't bring myself to work on them. It felt good to work on my gemstone/black afghan and DS#3's quilt and an old UFO I ran across the other day by CHS, Americana. I've been bouncing back and forth between these three projects the last couple of days and making progress on all of them. That's a great feeling.
Now if I could just scrapbook a few pages this weekend I'd feel really good about myself.
Things have been busy. My kids have been on summer vacation all of a week and are already driving me crazy. It's going to be a long, long summer here along Florida's Emerald Coast.
I managed to get three, maybe four rows crocheted on my gemstone/black afghan. The afghan is just 3 inches shy on either side of being king size. I'm planning to take a progress pic tomorrow as I have some film I need to use up. Hopefully I'll have a few progress pics of various projects by the end of the week. I really would love to invest in a digital camera, but since I don't have one right now I just have to wait on developing and finishing out rolls of film.
I'm hoping that this blog is making some kind of sense to the reader as I'm hopped up on cold meds and tend to ramble.
I've also been working on DS#3's quilt top. Yes, the same one I said I wanted to finish over a week ago. I'm very close, but not quite, finished. I've been bouncing around on what color to use for the sashing and I'm also rethinking my plan of using a wild tropical fish print for the backing. I may just go with a nice batik.
I've been rereading Lisa Boyer's That Dorky Homemade Look for inspiration as this quilt is about as dorky looking a quilt as you'll find. It's your basic nine patch block and it uses a lot of novelty fabrics. Some I used more than once because there's just so many novelty fabrics I was able to find in my area so I focused on novelty fabrics that had several images I could take from each cut of fabric. In theory it's an I Spy Quilt, in all honesty it's just butt ugly. My son will love it though because there's a lot going on in the quilt top. I tried to tone down the wildness of the quilt using black in the blocks--of course I think now that the black is what makes it uglier than it might have been if I had gone with say a red or navy. I'm hoping to have a pic of it on this roll of film so that you, the reader, can see what I'm talking about here.
I'm obsessing now over the Summer Fiesta Afghan in the new Crochet magazine. It's so cool. I started to buy the magazine yesterday but I just recently subscribed to Crochet and since I have received my bill I'm hoping this new issue will be my first subscription issue. Just as sure as I buy it it will show up in my mailbox. If it isn't here by next weekend I may go on and buy it.
The funny thing is, recently I have been toying with doing a granny square afghan in the Red Heart Kids colors of lime, orange, yellow, pink, turquoise, orchid, and blue(maybe periwinkle too). Yes, that would be one wild granny square afghan. I thought it would be a fun summer project. Granny squares aren't too hot to create while sitting out in the yard like a larger one piece afghan would be. Oh, what's funny about it is that these colors, a few of them are used in the Summer Fiesta afghan in Crochet magazine. What I'm unsure about with my granny square afghan, should all the centers be the same color or just the final round of each granny square? I'm planning on the lime to be the edging color. Now I wonder though if the blue should be the anchoring color and just let the squares run wild with all the bright colors. I hate having to make these decisions because I'm just not good with colors. I know how I want things to look and how I think they'll look in my mind, but reality is never quite the same. Maybe I just have really bad taste. Anyway I love the lime and want it to be the main color. Guess I'll start stockpiling Red Heart Kids yarn and maybe can start on this sometime in July. Wonder if I should just kit up the Summer Fiesta afghan while I'm at it? Can you tell I'm just a Florida chick through and through? I love those wild neon bright colors. I ought to be able to get them out of my system this summer though. Two bright afghans and DS#1's glow in the dark Ohio Star quilt should have me ready to puke by the end of summer. I'll be begging for some nice neutral colors to sooth me.
I've also been sorting through some cross stitch projects that are in my "waiting to start" pile. I had forgotten how many wonderful projects are sitting on go. Every so often it's good to fondle the stash.
My interests vary so much, I try to make time for them all because in their own way each one is rewarding.
I love crocheting because it's soothing. I love the rythmn of the hook and now there's just so many fun, funky, hip things to crochet my list of "want to do" projects grows and grows. I even added a crochet section to my cross stitch organizer. I think the blank pages for the cross stitch projects will work fine for making lists of what I need for various projects and that way I'll have it with me all the time and every time I'm out shopping I can pull out my organizer and see what colors I need and what the store has. Stitcher's Organizer with a little tweaking could work well for any kind of stasher. The files are all for cross stitch supplies and designers but the blank pages can be downloaded and used to keep track of crochet stash, things needed for future projects, patterns and magazines you have in the stash or want to buy. I used to have tons of lists in my purse for various projects and even books I want to read. Since discovering the Stitcher's Organizer I've combined all my hobby stashes in one convenient place. I bought dividers and have a section for Crochet projects that I want to kit up and a reading section that lists books I want to buy. Since I keep my day runner in my purse it's with me whenever I'm at the Used bookstore or the Mall or the LNS or Walmart. The cross stitch section is more thorough as I have a list of DMC threads I have already in the stash, GAST, WDWs, projects in rotation, projects that are kitted and ready to go and then projects that need kitting up. It's really nice to have everything all together especially since I plan projects way in advance. I can't help it, I love kitting things up and hoarding them at home so they are ready to go when I get an urge to start them. Since I make only rare trips to the Hobby Lobby, which happens to have the best yarn selection, it's even better that I have all these dream projects and what I need for them listed and with me at all times. I've been reading so much lately about people with "stash guilt", I can honestly say I have no guilt at all about any stash I have hoarded up and any projects waiting to be worked on. I love my stash. It's my security blanket, it's there for me when there is no money to buy new stash, it saves me from boredom, it brings me pleasure.
The only guilt I have at the moment is for the projects that are thisclose to being finished and I just can't bring myself to work on them. It felt good to work on my gemstone/black afghan and DS#3's quilt and an old UFO I ran across the other day by CHS, Americana. I've been bouncing back and forth between these three projects the last couple of days and making progress on all of them. That's a great feeling.
Now if I could just scrapbook a few pages this weekend I'd feel really good about myself.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
It's T.G.I.T.! OK that's for Thank God It's Thursday. My last day to work this week and then a long holiday weekend. Unfortunately the beach is out for us locals since the tourists take over and not only crowd the beaches, they trash them. How would they feel if 10,000+ Floridians showed up in their hometown and trashed their parks and front yards?
Can I log in a major complaint here? I'm not a smoker, never have been. So this may sound just nasty but why do smokers think they can just put the butts out in the sand at the beach? It's like it's some natural built in ashtray. Do you sit in your ashtray at home? I don't think so. Don't they see how completely nasty that is? You walk along, find a clean spot for your beach towel, dig your toes in the sand and pull up about 5 butts! ICK! Why is this behavior considered socially exceptable? Also what is up with dumping the ashtray in your car any where you have to wait for a few minutes? There's this particular intersection in Destin, it happens to be a long light, and I swear there is a major dune of ciggie butts there just from people getting bored waiting on the light to change, decide to clean out their ashtrays on the public highway. This is OK? Who are these people?
For the record let me state that when the "no smoking in public places" law was put on the ballot here in Florida, even though I don't smoke and never have, I voted against it because smoking is legal, people make their choices and if I don't want to eat around smokers I stay home. So while I rant about some things irresponsible smokers do, I accept it's legal and they have a right to do it. Although it sure is nice to go out to eat or to a bar and not come home smelling of cigarettes. I didn't mean for this to be a rant against smokers, I just hate butts on the beach. As weird as it sounds I miss the smell of cigarettes and I always liked watching people smoke. Some smokers have a great sense of style and flair when smoking.
I've been working on my Carriage House Samplers Americana piece the last couple of days. I'm trying to get it finished before I focus solely on the Fairy Grandhag. Ok Fairy Grandmother. She's going to be beautiful when finished, I just need to get her done. My Mamaw isn't getting any younger. I'll try to get a scan up of Americana by tonight.
Big plans here tonight, I'm going to Walmart and buying a computer armoire. Yes it's a cheapie but will look so much nicer than this old, metal student desk that we have the computer on now. Should really clean up this end of the living room and make it appear more clutter free. Said commentary on my life when buying a cheapie computer armoire at Walmart is the highlight of my day. Also hoping to score the first season of Northern Exposure on DVD. I'm so excited. Greatest TV show ever. Guess this is another sad commentary on the state of my existence.
The kids are out of school for the summer and already bored. Thankfully we have three new kitty editions to the house, a momma and two babies. DS#3 has named the momma cat Crystal. We have yet to come up with names for the babies. One we're calling Sweetie Pie for the time being and the other hasn't even gotten a nick name yet. Crystal is the sweetest cat, she's already queen of the house.
I'm also planning to buy some binders, dividers and sheet protectors at Walmart tonight so that I can start getting some of my cross stitch charts and crochet patterns and all my freebies organized. I can't seem to find anything these days. JoAnn's is having a sale on DMC this weekend and I need to make a list of the colors I need for various BAP. I need to get some of the larger projects kitted and ready to go. Not that I plan to start them anytime soon or even this year. I just feel better knowing that I have the chart, the fabric and all threads and various beads and things all together tucked away for when I want to start something new. I like the idea of having my own little stash of already kitted projects waiting on me when I have no money and want to go "shopping" for something new to stitch. Once the money's spent, the project is kitted, starting the project is free. Yes, I'm sick, twisted, but this thought process is what gets me by and keeps me from feeling guilty about any and all stash aquistions. I truly worry about not having the money to "feed my habit". This means I buy yarn/wool when I can, I buy cross stitch charts and supplies when I can, I stock up on all sizes of needles and hooks. I even stock up on used paperbacks at the UBS because I can't stand the thought of being bored, not having something to do. I'd go nuts. The other side of the coin would be that if I didn't stash I might always have the money to buy things I need for various projects when I'm ready to start but I think we all know that almost never happens. Those tucked away dollars always end up going for food, clothes, to pay a bill, buy something for the kids. It's happened countless times here at my house. I secret away a hefty sum of money and then feel guilty, don't buy what I intended and then pay something off, buy necessities for the family. So carpe diem. Hope that's spelled correctly. I sieze the day because if I don't buy then and there, I'll never buy.
Other pressing matters in the stitching world, I am in a swap and have to stitch a anniversary piece for a person in a loop I'm in. I've tossed around various ideas, thrown most of them out, but in the new Nordic Needle catalog there's a very pretty Lorri Birmingham flatfold that has this verse on it: The joy of my heart is the work of my hands. I'm trying to decide if the recipient would like this. My other option right now is to stitch L*K's Friends are like Angels on Earth on a 36ct fabric and make it into a needle book. The only problem is that I've never made a needlebook before and I'm not sure I can make one that's nice enough to give to someone. Decisions, decisions. I need to make one fast too. The mail date is mid June.
I'm hoping for quiet weekend of grilling out and stitching. I need to work on the backyard and the front flowerbed, get some things planted. I think I'm kind of late setting out tomato plants but summer just kind of snuck up on me. Spring just kind of flew by. How does that happen?
I hate it when days pass me by wasted. I keep remembering what Gandolf tells Frodo, "It's what you do with the time you have here." Not the exact words of the quote but you get the idea. We must use our time wisely while on Earth as time is so short. There are so many things I want to do, want to accomplish. I never seem to get them done. I see my boys going from boys to men and wonder where that time has gone, how much did I miss? There are moments when I'm dealing with my 16 yr old and think of how little time I have left with him here at home. I wonder if I've done my job with him? Can I send him out into the world a good man? Did I miss something important? Does he believe me every day when I tell him I love him? Or do I say it so much that it's just words? There are times when I want to have those early days back so bad, go back, correct mistakes. But then I have to hope that any mistakes made are forgiven. I love my boys so much my heart aches at times. I only hope they truly know that I love them with all my heart. I hope that their memories of me one day are kind and full of happy thoughts. I only hope that I've given them the strength to go out in the world and live the lives they choose to live. Not just fall into a routine, I want them to find something they are passionate about and embrace it, and live it.
Wow, this blog has just been all over the place this morning. Can't help it. My mind is all over the place these days. I have so many things I want to do, want to say.
Can I log in a major complaint here? I'm not a smoker, never have been. So this may sound just nasty but why do smokers think they can just put the butts out in the sand at the beach? It's like it's some natural built in ashtray. Do you sit in your ashtray at home? I don't think so. Don't they see how completely nasty that is? You walk along, find a clean spot for your beach towel, dig your toes in the sand and pull up about 5 butts! ICK! Why is this behavior considered socially exceptable? Also what is up with dumping the ashtray in your car any where you have to wait for a few minutes? There's this particular intersection in Destin, it happens to be a long light, and I swear there is a major dune of ciggie butts there just from people getting bored waiting on the light to change, decide to clean out their ashtrays on the public highway. This is OK? Who are these people?
For the record let me state that when the "no smoking in public places" law was put on the ballot here in Florida, even though I don't smoke and never have, I voted against it because smoking is legal, people make their choices and if I don't want to eat around smokers I stay home. So while I rant about some things irresponsible smokers do, I accept it's legal and they have a right to do it. Although it sure is nice to go out to eat or to a bar and not come home smelling of cigarettes. I didn't mean for this to be a rant against smokers, I just hate butts on the beach. As weird as it sounds I miss the smell of cigarettes and I always liked watching people smoke. Some smokers have a great sense of style and flair when smoking.
I've been working on my Carriage House Samplers Americana piece the last couple of days. I'm trying to get it finished before I focus solely on the Fairy Grandhag. Ok Fairy Grandmother. She's going to be beautiful when finished, I just need to get her done. My Mamaw isn't getting any younger. I'll try to get a scan up of Americana by tonight.
Big plans here tonight, I'm going to Walmart and buying a computer armoire. Yes it's a cheapie but will look so much nicer than this old, metal student desk that we have the computer on now. Should really clean up this end of the living room and make it appear more clutter free. Said commentary on my life when buying a cheapie computer armoire at Walmart is the highlight of my day. Also hoping to score the first season of Northern Exposure on DVD. I'm so excited. Greatest TV show ever. Guess this is another sad commentary on the state of my existence.
The kids are out of school for the summer and already bored. Thankfully we have three new kitty editions to the house, a momma and two babies. DS#3 has named the momma cat Crystal. We have yet to come up with names for the babies. One we're calling Sweetie Pie for the time being and the other hasn't even gotten a nick name yet. Crystal is the sweetest cat, she's already queen of the house.
I'm also planning to buy some binders, dividers and sheet protectors at Walmart tonight so that I can start getting some of my cross stitch charts and crochet patterns and all my freebies organized. I can't seem to find anything these days. JoAnn's is having a sale on DMC this weekend and I need to make a list of the colors I need for various BAP. I need to get some of the larger projects kitted and ready to go. Not that I plan to start them anytime soon or even this year. I just feel better knowing that I have the chart, the fabric and all threads and various beads and things all together tucked away for when I want to start something new. I like the idea of having my own little stash of already kitted projects waiting on me when I have no money and want to go "shopping" for something new to stitch. Once the money's spent, the project is kitted, starting the project is free. Yes, I'm sick, twisted, but this thought process is what gets me by and keeps me from feeling guilty about any and all stash aquistions. I truly worry about not having the money to "feed my habit". This means I buy yarn/wool when I can, I buy cross stitch charts and supplies when I can, I stock up on all sizes of needles and hooks. I even stock up on used paperbacks at the UBS because I can't stand the thought of being bored, not having something to do. I'd go nuts. The other side of the coin would be that if I didn't stash I might always have the money to buy things I need for various projects when I'm ready to start but I think we all know that almost never happens. Those tucked away dollars always end up going for food, clothes, to pay a bill, buy something for the kids. It's happened countless times here at my house. I secret away a hefty sum of money and then feel guilty, don't buy what I intended and then pay something off, buy necessities for the family. So carpe diem. Hope that's spelled correctly. I sieze the day because if I don't buy then and there, I'll never buy.
Other pressing matters in the stitching world, I am in a swap and have to stitch a anniversary piece for a person in a loop I'm in. I've tossed around various ideas, thrown most of them out, but in the new Nordic Needle catalog there's a very pretty Lorri Birmingham flatfold that has this verse on it: The joy of my heart is the work of my hands. I'm trying to decide if the recipient would like this. My other option right now is to stitch L*K's Friends are like Angels on Earth on a 36ct fabric and make it into a needle book. The only problem is that I've never made a needlebook before and I'm not sure I can make one that's nice enough to give to someone. Decisions, decisions. I need to make one fast too. The mail date is mid June.
I'm hoping for quiet weekend of grilling out and stitching. I need to work on the backyard and the front flowerbed, get some things planted. I think I'm kind of late setting out tomato plants but summer just kind of snuck up on me. Spring just kind of flew by. How does that happen?
I hate it when days pass me by wasted. I keep remembering what Gandolf tells Frodo, "It's what you do with the time you have here." Not the exact words of the quote but you get the idea. We must use our time wisely while on Earth as time is so short. There are so many things I want to do, want to accomplish. I never seem to get them done. I see my boys going from boys to men and wonder where that time has gone, how much did I miss? There are moments when I'm dealing with my 16 yr old and think of how little time I have left with him here at home. I wonder if I've done my job with him? Can I send him out into the world a good man? Did I miss something important? Does he believe me every day when I tell him I love him? Or do I say it so much that it's just words? There are times when I want to have those early days back so bad, go back, correct mistakes. But then I have to hope that any mistakes made are forgiven. I love my boys so much my heart aches at times. I only hope they truly know that I love them with all my heart. I hope that their memories of me one day are kind and full of happy thoughts. I only hope that I've given them the strength to go out in the world and live the lives they choose to live. Not just fall into a routine, I want them to find something they are passionate about and embrace it, and live it.
Wow, this blog has just been all over the place this morning. Can't help it. My mind is all over the place these days. I have so many things I want to do, want to say.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
State of My Stitching
Yesterday while doing the yard sale thing I managed to buy a cool entertainment center that is going to be perfect for organizing my stash.
This has prompted me to make a list of my WIP. Here is my current list of WIPs. It's a very sad state that my stitching is in at the moment.
Mosey N Me: Wendell the Warlock and Delectable Halloween Recipe
Lizzie Kate: Vinnie Von Fang and Betty Broomstick
Dragon Dreams: Coffee is Magic
True Colors: High Tide Beach House
MLI: Santa of the Forest, Fairy Grandmother, Song of Christmas
TW: Trade Winds and Fantasy Triptyche
FAHS: Klimt's The Kiss
Drawn Thread: Sanctuary
Hester's Needle: Liberty Sampler
Mirabilia: Lady of the Flag, Mermaid of the Pearls and Deco Spirits
Dimples Designs: Garner Dragonfly
Stoney Creek: Nature's Home Afghan
Barrick Samplers: Mairmaid's Song
Lanarte: Arabian Lady
SB: A Simple Egg(currently missing)
Stitchworld: Dragon Isle
Designworks: Cowboy Boots(currently missing)
Indigo Rose: Desiderata
Examplar Dames: And They Sinned
Dimensions: Serene Shores(oldest WIP, started, brace yourself, in 1984)
All of these projects have at least a few stitches in them. I am so ashamed.
I'm obviously a fabulous project starter but am a loser on the finishing side of the line.
I have got to get some of these things finished. One or two I'm not happy with any more, like High Tide Beach House. I started it on 14 ct aida and was never happy with the fabric, but I still like the design and have so much work in it I hate to just toss it out. I made a mistake in one of the palm trees and that was why I set it aside in the first place. Now I'm thinking I'll just work around the error and try to get it finished. The fabric choice isn't bad, it just wasn't what I wanted at the time but I just had to start that project right that second.
It's no wonder I get sick to my stomach sometimes when I think about starting a new project. No wonder I feel guilty choosing one project over another. These have been lingering there in the dark lonely Rubbermaid bucket begging for attention, hoping to breathe fresh air, see the light of day, some for years.
I cannot start one more new project until Fairy Grandmother is finished(this is for my grandmother and she's not getting any younger). It's my current priority project, then Dragon Isle(it's for DS#2), and Mermaid of the Pearls(this is a gift for my niece, started out for me but she saw it and wanted it).
Yesterday while doing the yard sale thing I managed to buy a cool entertainment center that is going to be perfect for organizing my stash.
This has prompted me to make a list of my WIP. Here is my current list of WIPs. It's a very sad state that my stitching is in at the moment.
Mosey N Me: Wendell the Warlock and Delectable Halloween Recipe
Lizzie Kate: Vinnie Von Fang and Betty Broomstick
Dragon Dreams: Coffee is Magic
True Colors: High Tide Beach House
MLI: Santa of the Forest, Fairy Grandmother, Song of Christmas
TW: Trade Winds and Fantasy Triptyche
FAHS: Klimt's The Kiss
Drawn Thread: Sanctuary
Hester's Needle: Liberty Sampler
Mirabilia: Lady of the Flag, Mermaid of the Pearls and Deco Spirits
Dimples Designs: Garner Dragonfly
Stoney Creek: Nature's Home Afghan
Barrick Samplers: Mairmaid's Song
Lanarte: Arabian Lady
SB: A Simple Egg(currently missing)
Stitchworld: Dragon Isle
Designworks: Cowboy Boots(currently missing)
Indigo Rose: Desiderata
Examplar Dames: And They Sinned
Dimensions: Serene Shores(oldest WIP, started, brace yourself, in 1984)
All of these projects have at least a few stitches in them. I am so ashamed.
I'm obviously a fabulous project starter but am a loser on the finishing side of the line.
I have got to get some of these things finished. One or two I'm not happy with any more, like High Tide Beach House. I started it on 14 ct aida and was never happy with the fabric, but I still like the design and have so much work in it I hate to just toss it out. I made a mistake in one of the palm trees and that was why I set it aside in the first place. Now I'm thinking I'll just work around the error and try to get it finished. The fabric choice isn't bad, it just wasn't what I wanted at the time but I just had to start that project right that second.
It's no wonder I get sick to my stomach sometimes when I think about starting a new project. No wonder I feel guilty choosing one project over another. These have been lingering there in the dark lonely Rubbermaid bucket begging for attention, hoping to breathe fresh air, see the light of day, some for years.
I cannot start one more new project until Fairy Grandmother is finished(this is for my grandmother and she's not getting any younger). It's my current priority project, then Dragon Isle(it's for DS#2), and Mermaid of the Pearls(this is a gift for my niece, started out for me but she saw it and wanted it).
Friday, May 21, 2004
Right now I'm going through a very uninspired phase. I believe I have way too many projects started.
Finishing some of these things has got to become a priority. I'm a great starter but I only seem to cross the finish line on those rare occaisions when some planet's moon happens to be in the right house. It's frustrating because I have so many great projects started but I have the attention span of a gnat.
My mother told me this morning that she and my grandmother may come for a visit sometime this summer. What does this have to do with my stitching? Well I've only been working on MLI's Fairy Grandmother for about 6 yrs. I need to pull the old hag out and get her finished. Wouldn't that be a wonderful suprise to have here waiting on my grandmother, a completed and framed Fairy Grandmother?
I've been needing to pull out all my started projects, make a list of them, and then get to work on finishing them. Of course I won't stop stashing, but I won't feel so bad about buying all those charts that just linger in the old Rubbermaid tote until I get around to kitting them up and then actually starting them. I need to organize. I have too much stuff to keep track of these days.
I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll have to buy new shelves for my bedroom stash organization instead of getting some on the cheap at yard sales. If I keep putting it off hoping for a good deal, I'll never get organized. Now with the possiblity of company over the summer it's time to finally get the living room painted and me get off of my lazy behind and keep the house clean.
I never finished the teacher gift, sent her a candle.
Weekend Plans
1)Get over this flippin' cold.
2)Make a good solid list of cross stitch projects that are in various stages of completion.
3)Make an effort to work on Fairy Grandmother and DS#2's Dragon Isle. These are my two priority pieces at the moment.
4)Make a list of projects that are kitted and calling to me, reward myself with one new start when I finish Fairy Grandmother.
5)Finish DS#3's Quilt. Need to buy the backing fabric this weekend.
6)Get DS#1's quilt fabrics together and the pattern pieces and other supplies I need. Have it ready to start as soon as DS#3's quilt is finished.
7)Organize my yarns for various crochet projects and get them out of the store bags and into much more appropriate plastic bins or Rubbermaid containers so they are out of the living room and the bottom of my closet.
8)Check into the HP Quilt Label maker program. Find out where to buy the fabric printer sheets so I can label the boys' quilts when the time comes.
9)Get started on scrapbooking some of my older pictures and journaling. Look into HP's Scrapbooking program too(or freebies offered on the website)
10)Go to Goodwill and see if they have some binders I can buy very inexpensively to store my cross stitch charts in. Last time I got a great deal on 6 huge binders for my magazins for 25cents each. Can't beat that. Need to remember to buy sheet protectors and dividers too, magazine holders for the chart books. Also need to figure out how to organize the charts, by designer or by subject. I'm assuming by designer would be the easiest way to keep track of stuff.
Summer Stitching Plans
1)Put at least one length of floss into Mermaid of the Pearls everyday.
2)Finish at least one block a week in the 63 Squares Afghan CAL.
3)Focus on kitting up some of the charts I have that I know I want to start in the near future.
There are so many things I want to do and create. Lately I just haven't wanted to do anything. I've just been creatively quiet so to speak. Hopefully this weekend I can get motivated and inspired.
Thanks to all the stitchers, crocheters, knitters and quilters that blog. You all inspire me everyday. Seeing your projects, reading about your projects, your frustrations, your joy, the way you make a pattern uniquely your own, makes my fingers itch to pick up the needle or hook and create. Also, reading about your obsession with your own projects makes me feel more normal. Most of the time I think I'm the only one that dreams about her projects all the time. It's nice to know that there are others out there in the world that ache for those moments when you can pick up a needle(s) or hook, or can't wait to get to the LNS, LYS, LQS or local craft store and add to the stash.
Finishing some of these things has got to become a priority. I'm a great starter but I only seem to cross the finish line on those rare occaisions when some planet's moon happens to be in the right house. It's frustrating because I have so many great projects started but I have the attention span of a gnat.
My mother told me this morning that she and my grandmother may come for a visit sometime this summer. What does this have to do with my stitching? Well I've only been working on MLI's Fairy Grandmother for about 6 yrs. I need to pull the old hag out and get her finished. Wouldn't that be a wonderful suprise to have here waiting on my grandmother, a completed and framed Fairy Grandmother?
I've been needing to pull out all my started projects, make a list of them, and then get to work on finishing them. Of course I won't stop stashing, but I won't feel so bad about buying all those charts that just linger in the old Rubbermaid tote until I get around to kitting them up and then actually starting them. I need to organize. I have too much stuff to keep track of these days.
I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll have to buy new shelves for my bedroom stash organization instead of getting some on the cheap at yard sales. If I keep putting it off hoping for a good deal, I'll never get organized. Now with the possiblity of company over the summer it's time to finally get the living room painted and me get off of my lazy behind and keep the house clean.
I never finished the teacher gift, sent her a candle.
Weekend Plans
1)Get over this flippin' cold.
2)Make a good solid list of cross stitch projects that are in various stages of completion.
3)Make an effort to work on Fairy Grandmother and DS#2's Dragon Isle. These are my two priority pieces at the moment.
4)Make a list of projects that are kitted and calling to me, reward myself with one new start when I finish Fairy Grandmother.
5)Finish DS#3's Quilt. Need to buy the backing fabric this weekend.
6)Get DS#1's quilt fabrics together and the pattern pieces and other supplies I need. Have it ready to start as soon as DS#3's quilt is finished.
7)Organize my yarns for various crochet projects and get them out of the store bags and into much more appropriate plastic bins or Rubbermaid containers so they are out of the living room and the bottom of my closet.
8)Check into the HP Quilt Label maker program. Find out where to buy the fabric printer sheets so I can label the boys' quilts when the time comes.
9)Get started on scrapbooking some of my older pictures and journaling. Look into HP's Scrapbooking program too(or freebies offered on the website)
10)Go to Goodwill and see if they have some binders I can buy very inexpensively to store my cross stitch charts in. Last time I got a great deal on 6 huge binders for my magazins for 25cents each. Can't beat that. Need to remember to buy sheet protectors and dividers too, magazine holders for the chart books. Also need to figure out how to organize the charts, by designer or by subject. I'm assuming by designer would be the easiest way to keep track of stuff.
Summer Stitching Plans
1)Put at least one length of floss into Mermaid of the Pearls everyday.
2)Finish at least one block a week in the 63 Squares Afghan CAL.
3)Focus on kitting up some of the charts I have that I know I want to start in the near future.
There are so many things I want to do and create. Lately I just haven't wanted to do anything. I've just been creatively quiet so to speak. Hopefully this weekend I can get motivated and inspired.
Thanks to all the stitchers, crocheters, knitters and quilters that blog. You all inspire me everyday. Seeing your projects, reading about your projects, your frustrations, your joy, the way you make a pattern uniquely your own, makes my fingers itch to pick up the needle or hook and create. Also, reading about your obsession with your own projects makes me feel more normal. Most of the time I think I'm the only one that dreams about her projects all the time. It's nice to know that there are others out there in the world that ache for those moments when you can pick up a needle(s) or hook, or can't wait to get to the LNS, LYS, LQS or local craft store and add to the stash.
Life Update
Didn't finish cross stitching the teacher gift so went to the grocery late last night and bought her a candle. Really nice melon scent. I hate these unattainable goals I set for myself, knowing when I set them they is no way I can finish by the deadline. Makes me feel like such a loser.
I've been running a fever for two days and have some kind of nasty sinus/chest cold thing going on. If it doesn't clear up over the weekend
I may have to break down and go to the dr.
I'm working tonight so the high school kids can attend their graduation.
Don't feel like it one bit but it's only a few hours. Hopefully the whole town will be at graduation and we'll be slow.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is out on DVD Tuesday! YEA!!!
DS#2 graduated from second grade yesterday. Can't believe that summer is already upon us. Days and days ahead of me listening to these words, "I'm bored, there's nothing to do, there's no one to play with, can't we go somewhere? I don't want to eat a sandwich, I want McDonalds, I don't want to eat your scrambled eggs or pancakes I want McDonalds pancakes." Ah the joy of the summer vacation. Can I tell you how glad I am that I work two days a week. Ten hours a week away from whining kids.
I'm hoping though to actually have some stuff planned this summer. Maybe a movie day one day a week. One day a week at the waterpark(if we ever buy the season passes). Surely that will entertain them for a bit. DS#3 will want to go to the beach some. He's already told DH that every weekend is reserved for fishing.
Didn't finish cross stitching the teacher gift so went to the grocery late last night and bought her a candle. Really nice melon scent. I hate these unattainable goals I set for myself, knowing when I set them they is no way I can finish by the deadline. Makes me feel like such a loser.
I've been running a fever for two days and have some kind of nasty sinus/chest cold thing going on. If it doesn't clear up over the weekend
I may have to break down and go to the dr.
I'm working tonight so the high school kids can attend their graduation.
Don't feel like it one bit but it's only a few hours. Hopefully the whole town will be at graduation and we'll be slow.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is out on DVD Tuesday! YEA!!!
DS#2 graduated from second grade yesterday. Can't believe that summer is already upon us. Days and days ahead of me listening to these words, "I'm bored, there's nothing to do, there's no one to play with, can't we go somewhere? I don't want to eat a sandwich, I want McDonalds, I don't want to eat your scrambled eggs or pancakes I want McDonalds pancakes." Ah the joy of the summer vacation. Can I tell you how glad I am that I work two days a week. Ten hours a week away from whining kids.
I'm hoping though to actually have some stuff planned this summer. Maybe a movie day one day a week. One day a week at the waterpark(if we ever buy the season passes). Surely that will entertain them for a bit. DS#3 will want to go to the beach some. He's already told DH that every weekend is reserved for fishing.
Monday, May 17, 2004
Made a quick run to Walmart today to scoop up that lime yarn and bummer, there was only 5 skeins. DS#1 wants a solid afghan, so that just wasn't enough. The yarn is Caron Simply Soft Brights. I tried my JoAnn's today too and they didn't have this in stock at all. Guess this gives me a good reason to make a Hobby Lobby run this weekend. My B-plan is to use Caron (or is it Red Heart's Lime Baby Soft?). It's a nice color, just not glow in the dark bright. I thought about using it as filler along with the bright lime and I decided it just wasn't going to look right.
I did manage to pick up some chicken and salad fixin's for supper tonight so it wasn't a wasted trip.
Well it's back to DS#3's quilt. I'm bound and determined to have all those rows sewed together before bedtime tonight. It doesn't help that I took a three hour nap this afternoon.
I did manage to pick up some chicken and salad fixin's for supper tonight so it wasn't a wasted trip.
Well it's back to DS#3's quilt. I'm bound and determined to have all those rows sewed together before bedtime tonight. It doesn't help that I took a three hour nap this afternoon.
Long week last week for me. I plan to veg on the couch all day and watch movies and hopefully, finally, finish DS#3's quilt top without the borders of course, then again I may go ahead and do those too. Next week all I'll have left to do is buy the backing fabric, then it's on to basting and tie the quilt, then finis!
Creatively I've been stalled lately. Not sure if it's project overload, spring fever, depression or just burnout. There are so many things I want to do and finish and things I need to do for the house. Paint the living room, buy some saris to make a drape to hang between the living area of the living room and the computer area of the living room. I found a decent computer armoire at Walmart this weekend and I told DH that's what next week's paycheck is going to buy. It's only $90. We are using a crappy metal student desk and I'm sick and tired of all the junk piled on it and worrying if my printer is going to slide off the end of the desk and this armoire would match my wicker on this end of the room and really clean the area up.
I would love to get my house to the point where if someone drops by I don't have to run around throwing things in the closet or start vacuuming as they are walking up to the door. I hate housework. I keep thinking if I can just get organized the house will stay cleaner and might always be company ready. That's my long term goal anyway.
It doesn't help that I have a foldout table in the living room piled high with yarn for various crochet projects, a few cross stitch projects and now fabric for my quilt projects.
Speaking of quilting, I did buy the fabric for DS#1's Ohio Star quilt. He wanted lime to be the main color so I found a very bright lime green fabric at Walmart and bought almost three yards, I then bought a yard each of yellow, tourquoise, orange and blue. The lime will be the background color, the points of the stars will be in yellow and then the center square of each block will alternate between the tourquiose, orange and blue. It's going to almost glow in the dark, but that's what he wants. At first I was concerned the colors might be too girlie but I guess tropical colors work as well for boys as for girls. I also found some lime green yarn at Walmart in a soft yarn, but it's hmmmm, maybe Red Heart's Britz line? I should have bought it when I saw it because they only had about 8 6oz skeins, exactly what I need for a basic ripple afghan, I swear it was a sign, and it was in the endcap of the isle which means it's promotional and they probably won't be carrying it on a regular basis, but I had already spent about $20 or so on the fabric and DH was with me so I couldn't really see buying another $16 worth of yarn. I'll keep my fingers crossed they still have it next week when I go back. A few weeks ago I bought some Homespun Plantation yarn to make the freebie Waterfal pattern at Lionbrand for DS#1 because he told me he wanted a green afghan and then when he saw the Plantation he informed me he wanted bright green.
If Walmart doesn't have it next week(seriously who else but me would buy neon green yarn for an afghan?) I think Hobby Lobby might have this line of Red Heart. I didn't think about it until just now but I could have just popped it in the layaway until I could get back over there without DH. Yes, sneaky but he's really been rolling his eyes at all my project supplies lately. All he sees is me buying scrapbooks, yarn, fabric, cross stitch stuff yet no finished projects. I'm sure it makes no sense to him. Why buy the stuff if you aren't going to get around to working with it for a week or a month or even a year?
They did have this nice Red Heart Cotton in a purple too. I'm thinking about using that to make a tank from Crochet Fantasy magazine. Maybe I should run back over there and put the purple and the lime in the layaway and then I can pick it up in a week or two? Yes, I'm obsessing.
Creatively I've been stalled lately. Not sure if it's project overload, spring fever, depression or just burnout. There are so many things I want to do and finish and things I need to do for the house. Paint the living room, buy some saris to make a drape to hang between the living area of the living room and the computer area of the living room. I found a decent computer armoire at Walmart this weekend and I told DH that's what next week's paycheck is going to buy. It's only $90. We are using a crappy metal student desk and I'm sick and tired of all the junk piled on it and worrying if my printer is going to slide off the end of the desk and this armoire would match my wicker on this end of the room and really clean the area up.
I would love to get my house to the point where if someone drops by I don't have to run around throwing things in the closet or start vacuuming as they are walking up to the door. I hate housework. I keep thinking if I can just get organized the house will stay cleaner and might always be company ready. That's my long term goal anyway.
It doesn't help that I have a foldout table in the living room piled high with yarn for various crochet projects, a few cross stitch projects and now fabric for my quilt projects.
Speaking of quilting, I did buy the fabric for DS#1's Ohio Star quilt. He wanted lime to be the main color so I found a very bright lime green fabric at Walmart and bought almost three yards, I then bought a yard each of yellow, tourquoise, orange and blue. The lime will be the background color, the points of the stars will be in yellow and then the center square of each block will alternate between the tourquiose, orange and blue. It's going to almost glow in the dark, but that's what he wants. At first I was concerned the colors might be too girlie but I guess tropical colors work as well for boys as for girls. I also found some lime green yarn at Walmart in a soft yarn, but it's hmmmm, maybe Red Heart's Britz line? I should have bought it when I saw it because they only had about 8 6oz skeins, exactly what I need for a basic ripple afghan, I swear it was a sign, and it was in the endcap of the isle which means it's promotional and they probably won't be carrying it on a regular basis, but I had already spent about $20 or so on the fabric and DH was with me so I couldn't really see buying another $16 worth of yarn. I'll keep my fingers crossed they still have it next week when I go back. A few weeks ago I bought some Homespun Plantation yarn to make the freebie Waterfal pattern at Lionbrand for DS#1 because he told me he wanted a green afghan and then when he saw the Plantation he informed me he wanted bright green.
If Walmart doesn't have it next week(seriously who else but me would buy neon green yarn for an afghan?) I think Hobby Lobby might have this line of Red Heart. I didn't think about it until just now but I could have just popped it in the layaway until I could get back over there without DH. Yes, sneaky but he's really been rolling his eyes at all my project supplies lately. All he sees is me buying scrapbooks, yarn, fabric, cross stitch stuff yet no finished projects. I'm sure it makes no sense to him. Why buy the stuff if you aren't going to get around to working with it for a week or a month or even a year?
They did have this nice Red Heart Cotton in a purple too. I'm thinking about using that to make a tank from Crochet Fantasy magazine. Maybe I should run back over there and put the purple and the lime in the layaway and then I can pick it up in a week or two? Yes, I'm obsessing.
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Wow! I don't blog for a couple of days and Blogger makes all these changes. A little disconcerting at first but now I like it. I think.
Things have been quiet around here to say the least. I like quiet. I revel in quiet.
I worked today. Will work Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Makes for a long week for me, but the extra money will come in handy, actually I've already spent it in my mind. That's really sick isn't it?
Progress reports. Hmmm, not much progress on anything. I did finish a book. Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris. It's a Southern Vampire mystery. I enjoyed it, loved the main character Sookie Stackhouse. Refreshing in the Vampire genre, kind of Tanya Huff/Laurell K. Hamilton but different. Gee, I'd make a great book critic wouldn't I? Anyway, I hope to track down the other two or three books in the series soon.
The kids had frozen pizza for dinner and I think DH and I will have BLTs. I love BLTs. Without a doubt the greatest sandwich ever created. A close second is a mushroom/bacon/swiss burger.
I'm exhausted tonight so I'll probably try to do a few rows on my gemstone/black afghan. Single crochet, Q hook, no thinking, just a nice repetitive motion.
I'm obsessing over shawls at the moment. I want to crochet several for myself. How selfish is that? I may do one for my grandmother. I think she'd like it. First of all I will justify my current obsession with shawls by saying that if I had one I wouldn't feel a need to wrap myself up in an afghan and proceed to drag it around the yard at 2am while Miss Heidi(my absolutely wonderful black lab) does her business. Then again I just like them, have always liked them. I'm glad to see they're back in fashion. I saw a really cool one in an ad in the new issue of Family Circle's Easy Knitting. I think it's a Paton's Pattern. Heatwave might be the name. I can't find the pattern locally so I'll have to find a source online. I've been obsessing over it even since I picked up that magazine which was two months ago so I guess I have to have it.
I've made a little progress on my Liberty Sampler but not really enough to justify a new scan.
Fortunately it is supposed to rain here the next few days and I won't feel guilty for not being outside so I ought to get lots of things accomplished. I always say that.
On tomorrow's to do list:
Finish DS#3's quilt top. Really shouldn't take more than an hour or so. Just straight line sewing by hand. No big deal. I'm just being lazy. I'm only talking about getting all the pieced blocks set together, borders are for another day.
Work on Liberty Sampler at least enough to make a new scan of the piece.
Work on my gemstone/black afghan just because I enjoy it.
Maybe put in a length or two of floss on Fairy Grandmother a.k.a. the GrandHag, just because I'm feeling very, very guilty about not finishing this. I'm a horrible granddaughter.
My dad's wife is pretty sick and I'm considering stitching MLI's Angel of the Morning. It can be seen at Told in a Garden . It's a beautiful piece, not my style but I think she'd like it and maybe it would bring her some comfort. Then again, large projects take me forever, they may find a cure before I get it finished. I really didn't mean for that to sound as irreverant as it did. Unfortunately it's a fact of my stitching life.
For example before I've finished a few wedding samplers for friends, they've gotten divorced. I decided that maybe wedding samplers were not necessarily worth the work these days. Am I jaded or what? Guess I ought to be a faster stitcher.
I want to work on jazzing up the blog by adding some buttons but I'm not exactly sure how to "steal" them from blogs I read. I hate not knowing as much as I should about the computer.
Things have been quiet around here to say the least. I like quiet. I revel in quiet.
I worked today. Will work Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Makes for a long week for me, but the extra money will come in handy, actually I've already spent it in my mind. That's really sick isn't it?
Progress reports. Hmmm, not much progress on anything. I did finish a book. Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris. It's a Southern Vampire mystery. I enjoyed it, loved the main character Sookie Stackhouse. Refreshing in the Vampire genre, kind of Tanya Huff/Laurell K. Hamilton but different. Gee, I'd make a great book critic wouldn't I? Anyway, I hope to track down the other two or three books in the series soon.
The kids had frozen pizza for dinner and I think DH and I will have BLTs. I love BLTs. Without a doubt the greatest sandwich ever created. A close second is a mushroom/bacon/swiss burger.
I'm exhausted tonight so I'll probably try to do a few rows on my gemstone/black afghan. Single crochet, Q hook, no thinking, just a nice repetitive motion.
I'm obsessing over shawls at the moment. I want to crochet several for myself. How selfish is that? I may do one for my grandmother. I think she'd like it. First of all I will justify my current obsession with shawls by saying that if I had one I wouldn't feel a need to wrap myself up in an afghan and proceed to drag it around the yard at 2am while Miss Heidi(my absolutely wonderful black lab) does her business. Then again I just like them, have always liked them. I'm glad to see they're back in fashion. I saw a really cool one in an ad in the new issue of Family Circle's Easy Knitting. I think it's a Paton's Pattern. Heatwave might be the name. I can't find the pattern locally so I'll have to find a source online. I've been obsessing over it even since I picked up that magazine which was two months ago so I guess I have to have it.
I've made a little progress on my Liberty Sampler but not really enough to justify a new scan.
Fortunately it is supposed to rain here the next few days and I won't feel guilty for not being outside so I ought to get lots of things accomplished. I always say that.
On tomorrow's to do list:
Finish DS#3's quilt top. Really shouldn't take more than an hour or so. Just straight line sewing by hand. No big deal. I'm just being lazy. I'm only talking about getting all the pieced blocks set together, borders are for another day.
Work on Liberty Sampler at least enough to make a new scan of the piece.
Work on my gemstone/black afghan just because I enjoy it.
Maybe put in a length or two of floss on Fairy Grandmother a.k.a. the GrandHag, just because I'm feeling very, very guilty about not finishing this. I'm a horrible granddaughter.
My dad's wife is pretty sick and I'm considering stitching MLI's Angel of the Morning. It can be seen at Told in a Garden . It's a beautiful piece, not my style but I think she'd like it and maybe it would bring her some comfort. Then again, large projects take me forever, they may find a cure before I get it finished. I really didn't mean for that to sound as irreverant as it did. Unfortunately it's a fact of my stitching life.
For example before I've finished a few wedding samplers for friends, they've gotten divorced. I decided that maybe wedding samplers were not necessarily worth the work these days. Am I jaded or what? Guess I ought to be a faster stitcher.
I want to work on jazzing up the blog by adding some buttons but I'm not exactly sure how to "steal" them from blogs I read. I hate not knowing as much as I should about the computer.
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Yesterday was pretty quiet. I took DS#2 and #3 to get haircuts. We ran to the Mall to grab some lunch. They were arguing over where to eat so the Mall seemed to be the best solution. Believe it or not I didn't eat anything. Go me! I had an unsweet tea and honestly I didn't miss not eating fast food.
When DH got home from work we headed over to Destin to go to Sockeyes, a surf shop, to look at their Tshirts. I was looking for something specific that I had seen in a magazine but couldn't find it there. Guess I'll be ordering it online. I thought DS#2 might find a few tshirts he wanted me to buy for him in the next couple of weeks but nothing caught his eye. Guess he's stuck with wearing what mom brings home. He's upped my coolness factor and is refusing to wear anything with the words "Old Navy" on it for the time being. Fortunately TJ Maxx always has a good selection of Quicksilver, Billabong and Shady Limited. He wants some Fat Albert clothes but won't let me ask the mom in the neighborhood who's kid wears them where she purchased them. So he goes without a Fat Albert ensemble. Apparently it's totally uncool to ask someone where they buy their clothes. He refuses to tell anyone where I buy his tshirts. Oh the joys of middle school.
We grabbed a quick supper at Captain D's. I was finally starving and decided frying shrimp and fish at home was going to be way too much trouble and probably cost more.
I worked for a little while on my Liberty Sampler and pulled out my Sugar and Cream yarn for my Pieced Throw from Simple Crochet. I think I may start it next week. It's worked in strips and won't be as hot to work on as my larger Gemstone and Black Red Heart afghan. I had the A/C turned really low the other day because that heavy afghan on my lap was making me sweat. Of course everyone else in the house was freezing.
This week will be a long one work wise. I'm working Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Fortunately not a double on Saturday. Just my regular 5-6 hour shift. Should make for a nice paycheck though. That is always a good thing.
Over the last few days we watched Master and Commander, what a boring movie. I love movies set on ships and the high seas but this one put me to sleep both times I tried watching it. I never got any farther than halfway through the movie before going to sleep. We also watched The Haunted Mansion. I thought it was pretty good. I had heard bad things about it, but DS#3 has been wanting to watch it and honestly I enjoyed it. Last night DH wanted to watch School of Rock. I hated it. Normally I find Jack Black entertaining but this movie just expected me to take too much for granted. Like he could show up at an exclusive school and substitute teach with no photo ID? Sorry if they had handled that part better I might have been hooked, even enjoyed the movie. But I hate movies that expect me to accept whatever they say no matter how unrealistic the plot maybe. DS#1 says I'm overthinking it, it's just a movie. Sorry I expect more from a movie and the writers. Today we'll watch Marci X with Lisa Kudrow and Damon Wayans. I remember seeing the previews and thought it sounded funny.
I had wanted to rent Calendar Girls and DH said no chick flick for him so I'll rent that Monday and watch it when I'm home alone.
On the reading front I finished Jill Churchill's Bell, Book and Scandal. Pretty good mystery. I started Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson last night and need to get to reading on it as it due back at the library tomorrow. It's already got me hooked. Patterson writes well from the woman's point of view.
When DH got home from work we headed over to Destin to go to Sockeyes, a surf shop, to look at their Tshirts. I was looking for something specific that I had seen in a magazine but couldn't find it there. Guess I'll be ordering it online. I thought DS#2 might find a few tshirts he wanted me to buy for him in the next couple of weeks but nothing caught his eye. Guess he's stuck with wearing what mom brings home. He's upped my coolness factor and is refusing to wear anything with the words "Old Navy" on it for the time being. Fortunately TJ Maxx always has a good selection of Quicksilver, Billabong and Shady Limited. He wants some Fat Albert clothes but won't let me ask the mom in the neighborhood who's kid wears them where she purchased them. So he goes without a Fat Albert ensemble. Apparently it's totally uncool to ask someone where they buy their clothes. He refuses to tell anyone where I buy his tshirts. Oh the joys of middle school.
We grabbed a quick supper at Captain D's. I was finally starving and decided frying shrimp and fish at home was going to be way too much trouble and probably cost more.
I worked for a little while on my Liberty Sampler and pulled out my Sugar and Cream yarn for my Pieced Throw from Simple Crochet. I think I may start it next week. It's worked in strips and won't be as hot to work on as my larger Gemstone and Black Red Heart afghan. I had the A/C turned really low the other day because that heavy afghan on my lap was making me sweat. Of course everyone else in the house was freezing.
This week will be a long one work wise. I'm working Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Fortunately not a double on Saturday. Just my regular 5-6 hour shift. Should make for a nice paycheck though. That is always a good thing.
Over the last few days we watched Master and Commander, what a boring movie. I love movies set on ships and the high seas but this one put me to sleep both times I tried watching it. I never got any farther than halfway through the movie before going to sleep. We also watched The Haunted Mansion. I thought it was pretty good. I had heard bad things about it, but DS#3 has been wanting to watch it and honestly I enjoyed it. Last night DH wanted to watch School of Rock. I hated it. Normally I find Jack Black entertaining but this movie just expected me to take too much for granted. Like he could show up at an exclusive school and substitute teach with no photo ID? Sorry if they had handled that part better I might have been hooked, even enjoyed the movie. But I hate movies that expect me to accept whatever they say no matter how unrealistic the plot maybe. DS#1 says I'm overthinking it, it's just a movie. Sorry I expect more from a movie and the writers. Today we'll watch Marci X with Lisa Kudrow and Damon Wayans. I remember seeing the previews and thought it sounded funny.
I had wanted to rent Calendar Girls and DH said no chick flick for him so I'll rent that Monday and watch it when I'm home alone.
On the reading front I finished Jill Churchill's Bell, Book and Scandal. Pretty good mystery. I started Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson last night and need to get to reading on it as it due back at the library tomorrow. It's already got me hooked. Patterson writes well from the woman's point of view.
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Today's quick run to JoAnn's was disappointing. They only had 2 skeins of Waterfall Homespun so I decided DS#1's afghan could be LionBrand Homespun Plantation. It's a nice dark green variegated. Of course when I got home and showed it to DS#1 he wants a much brighter green. Like neon green, glow in the dark green. Is there no pleasing these kids? Anyway I told him right now he's getting the Plantation green afghan and he's going to like it. I told him he'd really appreciate it when he's older. Later on I'll try to find some funky bright lime green yarn for another afghan for him.
Maybe dye some wool with Koolaid. Koolaid comes in some bright glow in the dark colors.
Made a quick run to the LNS also and purchased the new Mirabilia Emerald Mermaid. Love this merchick. I don't think a pic is posted on the 'net yet. At least one wasn't yesterday. Also picked up a BC chart, Signs of Summer.
Came home with a major headache. It was hot today. I should have drank more water. I think dehydration caused my headache. I plan to go to Walmart tonight and get the stuff to repair the A/C in my truck. I don't think I'll be able to survive without it any longer. Happy Mother's Day to me, yea! Chances are this will be the closest thing to a gift I receive. My 8 yr old made me the sweetest Mother's Day gift at school. Made me cry when I read it. I guess that counts as a gift. Ignore the nasty sentence before the previous one.
I am so tired, I hear the bed calling and it's only 6:55 pm.
Maybe dye some wool with Koolaid. Koolaid comes in some bright glow in the dark colors.
Made a quick run to the LNS also and purchased the new Mirabilia Emerald Mermaid. Love this merchick. I don't think a pic is posted on the 'net yet. At least one wasn't yesterday. Also picked up a BC chart, Signs of Summer.
Came home with a major headache. It was hot today. I should have drank more water. I think dehydration caused my headache. I plan to go to Walmart tonight and get the stuff to repair the A/C in my truck. I don't think I'll be able to survive without it any longer. Happy Mother's Day to me, yea! Chances are this will be the closest thing to a gift I receive. My 8 yr old made me the sweetest Mother's Day gift at school. Made me cry when I read it. I guess that counts as a gift. Ignore the nasty sentence before the previous one.
I am so tired, I hear the bed calling and it's only 6:55 pm.
Yikes! Just realized I hadn't blogged since Tuesday. Not much going on to really blog about unfortunately.
I did put in about 4 rows on my gemstone/black single crochet afghan. With any luck I'll get it finished this weekend. I'm still debating on whether or not I might need two more skeins of black to get the finished size I want. I think I'm going to do a single crochet edging all around in solid black when it's finished.
I worked for about a nano second my Liberty Sampler, and then fell asleep. I dosed on the couch while watching Princess Daisy on the Love Channel. Can't believe I wasted four hours of good stitching time vegging on the couch and watching a sappy miniseries. Ok, it held my interest. It had Rupert Everett in it. I know wasted energy drooling over him but he's still a beautiful man. He was such a horrible man in this movie. Not really horrible, obsessed, lovesick, violent and vindictive-ok really horrible. I missed a lot of tv in the early 80s and 90s so now I'm playing catch up. There are a lot of Danielle Steele's miniseries that are new to me since I didn't watch them the first go round. Princess Daisy was based on a Judith Krantz novel.
I'm hoping to make a trip to JoAnn's today to pick up six skeins of the Lionbrand Homespun that's on sale for $3.99 a skein. I want to make the freebie Waterfall afghan shown on the Lionbrand website. I love that color. It calls for a Q hook. The Q hook is my new best friend. Love that huge hook. Wish I could find a wooden Q hook.
The largest I've found in wood is an M hook.
I'm also planning to order Marlo's Felted Crochet Bag Pattern package. Now I need to start stocking up on wool so that I can play with Koolaid dying and felting. I think the bags would make nice gifts for stitching friends.
Other than those few items life has been dull. I kind of like dull. Dull is good. I have to work today and don't really want to. It's going to be HOT today. In the 80s with no breeze, add to that a barbque pit and a grill and that spells SUPER HOT! On the plus side I am making money for stash so I shall suck it up and be happy to be there. I also don't think another day spent vegging on the couch is healthy and it's exactly what I'd be doing. All I seem to want to do these days is sleep. I can't get enough sleep.
Ok do I need to mention all the Friends hoopla? It's a tv show for crying out loud. Sure I've watched it a few times, I have to admit though I've watched it more in reruns on TBS than the original shows. There's all this hoopla surrounding a TV show. A TV show! Friends is funny, ok, but it's still no Seinfeld or Frasier. Where's the hoopla for Frasier's last episode? A consistently funny show that never failed to make me laugh and was smart and clever. I have to say that as much as I loved Seinfeld the last episode fell short of what the show represented the years it was on the air. Everyone interviewed about Friends says they don't think it's going to disappoint anyone. Of course I'm going to watch. Do I have a choice?
I did put in about 4 rows on my gemstone/black single crochet afghan. With any luck I'll get it finished this weekend. I'm still debating on whether or not I might need two more skeins of black to get the finished size I want. I think I'm going to do a single crochet edging all around in solid black when it's finished.
I worked for about a nano second my Liberty Sampler, and then fell asleep. I dosed on the couch while watching Princess Daisy on the Love Channel. Can't believe I wasted four hours of good stitching time vegging on the couch and watching a sappy miniseries. Ok, it held my interest. It had Rupert Everett in it. I know wasted energy drooling over him but he's still a beautiful man. He was such a horrible man in this movie. Not really horrible, obsessed, lovesick, violent and vindictive-ok really horrible. I missed a lot of tv in the early 80s and 90s so now I'm playing catch up. There are a lot of Danielle Steele's miniseries that are new to me since I didn't watch them the first go round. Princess Daisy was based on a Judith Krantz novel.
I'm hoping to make a trip to JoAnn's today to pick up six skeins of the Lionbrand Homespun that's on sale for $3.99 a skein. I want to make the freebie Waterfall afghan shown on the Lionbrand website. I love that color. It calls for a Q hook. The Q hook is my new best friend. Love that huge hook. Wish I could find a wooden Q hook.
The largest I've found in wood is an M hook.
I'm also planning to order Marlo's Felted Crochet Bag Pattern package. Now I need to start stocking up on wool so that I can play with Koolaid dying and felting. I think the bags would make nice gifts for stitching friends.
Other than those few items life has been dull. I kind of like dull. Dull is good. I have to work today and don't really want to. It's going to be HOT today. In the 80s with no breeze, add to that a barbque pit and a grill and that spells SUPER HOT! On the plus side I am making money for stash so I shall suck it up and be happy to be there. I also don't think another day spent vegging on the couch is healthy and it's exactly what I'd be doing. All I seem to want to do these days is sleep. I can't get enough sleep.
Ok do I need to mention all the Friends hoopla? It's a tv show for crying out loud. Sure I've watched it a few times, I have to admit though I've watched it more in reruns on TBS than the original shows. There's all this hoopla surrounding a TV show. A TV show! Friends is funny, ok, but it's still no Seinfeld or Frasier. Where's the hoopla for Frasier's last episode? A consistently funny show that never failed to make me laugh and was smart and clever. I have to say that as much as I loved Seinfeld the last episode fell short of what the show represented the years it was on the air. Everyone interviewed about Friends says they don't think it's going to disappoint anyone. Of course I'm going to watch. Do I have a choice?
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Yesterday I worked on my Liberty Sampler designed by Hester's Needle.
I didn't know what I wanted to work on yesterday and saw this sitting on my shelf in it's photobox and decided it was screaming at me the loudest. I didn't want to have to think or count too much yesterday so I worked mostly on the red border around the inside of the piece. I also worked a little on the sail on the right at the top, but mainly stuck to the border. I have to do borders when I feel like it. 99% of the time I find border stitching boring but yesterday it was relaxing. I needed the repetition.
I had started out the day working on my single crochet black and gemstone afghan, but I managed to pull out a bad skein of Red Heart Black, one of those where both end threads are in the center of the skein and they keep knotting up on each other. I hate that. I'm too lazy to rewind the skein so I'll crochet when I'm ready to deal with that every few stitches.
Yesterday while stitching I watched 21 Grams. I can't decide whether I liked it or not. I can't decide whether or not it was this profound look at the way one accident, one stupid choice, can change the lives of several people or if it was just trying too hard to be that kind of film. I didn't care for the way the story was told. They told it backwards and it took me a few minutes to put the pieces together and realize what was going on. I also watched Emma with Gywneth Paltrow for the first time. Pretty good movie. But can one really go wrong with Jane Austen? Then last night when the boys should have been in bed, we all laid around in the living room watching Mars Attacks! Now I love that movie!
I have to go to work today and I don't want to. I know I'll be glad I'm there when I get there, but right now it's not some place I really want to be. What I'd really, really love right now is a Denver omelette, some chocolate chip pancakes, hashbrowns and some cheese blintzes from IHOP. I've been craving this particular meal for about two weeks. I'm eventually going to have to go and at the very least have the omlette and chocolate chip pancakes.
Well time to do some housework before I go to the job that pays me. I would rather crawl back under the covers and sleep the day away.

I didn't know what I wanted to work on yesterday and saw this sitting on my shelf in it's photobox and decided it was screaming at me the loudest. I didn't want to have to think or count too much yesterday so I worked mostly on the red border around the inside of the piece. I also worked a little on the sail on the right at the top, but mainly stuck to the border. I have to do borders when I feel like it. 99% of the time I find border stitching boring but yesterday it was relaxing. I needed the repetition.
I had started out the day working on my single crochet black and gemstone afghan, but I managed to pull out a bad skein of Red Heart Black, one of those where both end threads are in the center of the skein and they keep knotting up on each other. I hate that. I'm too lazy to rewind the skein so I'll crochet when I'm ready to deal with that every few stitches.
Yesterday while stitching I watched 21 Grams. I can't decide whether I liked it or not. I can't decide whether or not it was this profound look at the way one accident, one stupid choice, can change the lives of several people or if it was just trying too hard to be that kind of film. I didn't care for the way the story was told. They told it backwards and it took me a few minutes to put the pieces together and realize what was going on. I also watched Emma with Gywneth Paltrow for the first time. Pretty good movie. But can one really go wrong with Jane Austen? Then last night when the boys should have been in bed, we all laid around in the living room watching Mars Attacks! Now I love that movie!
I have to go to work today and I don't want to. I know I'll be glad I'm there when I get there, but right now it's not some place I really want to be. What I'd really, really love right now is a Denver omelette, some chocolate chip pancakes, hashbrowns and some cheese blintzes from IHOP. I've been craving this particular meal for about two weeks. I'm eventually going to have to go and at the very least have the omlette and chocolate chip pancakes.
Well time to do some housework before I go to the job that pays me. I would rather crawl back under the covers and sleep the day away.
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