Tuesday, October 26, 2004

It's Going to be a Bad Day

How do I know this? First of all I woke up to a swollen face. The whole right side of my jaw at my ear is swollen up the size of a golf ball. I know for sure it's not an abcessed tooth. I have a TMJ problem and for whatever reason I must be clenching my jaw or grinding my teeth in my sleep. I don't think I've been under any abnormal amount of stress recently but this is the second time in two weeks that I've woke up with my face swollen. Something has triggered this problem that has been dormant now for over 10 yrs.

Second problem, DS#3 took a bath this morning, his water draining from the tub caused my toilet to overflow. Fortunately all the water coming out of the toilet was clean. Who has time to call RotoRooter? Is it a septic tank problem? Everything eventually drained, so it must be a loose clog of some kind, I'm only guessing of course, but since everything eventually drains it can't be a clog in the true sense right? I've determined though that it must be something kind of serious since when the washer drains my bathtub, the kids' bathtub and toilet all get water in them. Everything drains back out eventually so what in the heck does all this mean? I guess it means I have to call a plumber. I don't have time for this right now.

Why can't just a few things be easy every once in a while? Is it a waste of time to hope that Draino will work? Can I place all my faith in Liquid Plumber or must I place my total net worth in the hands of a real plumber in the hopes that I or the kids won't eventually flood our whole house?

Happy Birthday DH!

In the midst of all this drama it is my DH's 40th birthday. He had a big birthday trip a couple of weeks ago to San Francisco to see the Raiders get massacred by the Broncos(unfortunately he's a Raider fan) so our plans are going to be small. I need to pick him up a birthday cake at Publix today but I'm not sure what to do for dinner tonight. He wouldn't tell me what he wanted so I may just treat him to Chinese food. Can't go wrong with Beef Broccoli.

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