It's Going to be a Bad Day
How do I know this? First of all I woke up to a swollen face. The whole right side of my jaw at my ear is swollen up the size of a golf ball. I know for sure it's not an abcessed tooth. I have a TMJ problem and for whatever reason I must be clenching my jaw or grinding my teeth in my sleep. I don't think I've been under any abnormal amount of stress recently but this is the second time in two weeks that I've woke up with my face swollen. Something has triggered this problem that has been dormant now for over 10 yrs.
Second problem, DS#3 took a bath this morning, his water draining from the tub caused my toilet to overflow. Fortunately all the water coming out of the toilet was clean. Who has time to call RotoRooter? Is it a septic tank problem? Everything eventually drained, so it must be a loose clog of some kind, I'm only guessing of course, but since everything eventually drains it can't be a clog in the true sense right? I've determined though that it must be something kind of serious since when the washer drains my bathtub, the kids' bathtub and toilet all get water in them. Everything drains back out eventually so what in the heck does all this mean? I guess it means I have to call a plumber. I don't have time for this right now.
Why can't just a few things be easy every once in a while? Is it a waste of time to hope that Draino will work? Can I place all my faith in Liquid Plumber or must I place my total net worth in the hands of a real plumber in the hopes that I or the kids won't eventually flood our whole house?
Happy Birthday DH!
In the midst of all this drama it is my DH's 40th birthday. He had a big birthday trip a couple of weeks ago to San Francisco to see the Raiders get massacred by the Broncos(unfortunately he's a Raider fan) so our plans are going to be small. I need to pick him up a birthday cake at Publix today but I'm not sure what to do for dinner tonight. He wouldn't tell me what he wanted so I may just treat him to Chinese food. Can't go wrong with Beef Broccoli.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Friday, October 22, 2004
Crochet Crazy
This weekend I plan to start a new afghan. I'm going to call it Ode to Yarngirl because Julie was the inspiration. A while back she posted a pic of a shawl she finished for herself. The color she used for the shawl was Red Heart's Ranch Red and the fringe was made using Red Heart's Farmland. I became obsessed with these colors because they are just glorious together. I've been trying to decide what I could make using these colors and I've finally decided I'm going to do a single crochet afghan(yes I know kind of boring, not challenging, but I think it's going to be lovely, and I really didn't want to do another ripple afghan right now). I plan to SC two full skeins of Ranch Red, then SC a full skein of Red Heart Gold, then a full skein of Red Heart Med Thyme, then I'll use three full skeins of the Ranch Red(depending on how large it is at this point I may opt for just two skeins), then finish the afghan with a band of the med thyme, then the gold, then two skeins of Ranch Red, then I plan to SC around the afghan two or three times, maybe 4 using the Red Heart Farmland. I hope it turns out as pretty as I imagine it. All of these plans are flexible depending on how big the afghan grows with each skein. I have no sense of how much of an area can be crocheted using two 8 oz skeins of Red Heart yarn. My gold and med thyme bands may be way too wide if I use a full skein so I'm just going to play it by ear.
Last night I went and purchased my dream dishes. I have been carrying one of the bowls around all day just to show people how pretty they are. I can't believe they are mine, all mine. Of course I now need to get my kitchen sparkling so it is worthy of these magnificent dishes.
Today, thanks to Annette's Acre, I went this afternoon and purchased The Cake Mix Doctor's Cookbook. Can't wait to try quite a few of the recipes. I thought it would be a good investment right here before the holidays. Are you buying that reasoning? Works for me.
What could be better a weekend filled with crochet, yummy cake and pretty plates to eat it on?
I rented Van Helsing to watch tonight and my stupid DVD player can't read the flippin' DVD. I keep getting this 13:00 code. Annoying to say the least. I know eventually my DVD player will read the DVD but I'm really tired of opening, closing and hitting play, and repeating the action. I'm to the point of trashing the DVD player altogether and buying a new one. This one is an older model Sony and it's never made it easy to watch DVDs. I also rented Lady Killers and The Magdalene Sisters. I bought the movie Dirty Pretty Things on video, it was only $5 in the used video bin. I don't know if any of these movies are worth watching but they should keep me busy while crocheting this weekend. I keep hoping I won't have to leave the house but I'm sure I will we need groceries, the kids need haircuts, no chance of getting to sit around the house for hours and hours, I plan to give it my best shot on Sunday though. I'm hoping to get everything done Saturday and early Saturday at that and then spend the rest of my time doing what I want to do. Which consists of sitting on the couch working on a project and not moving unless it's to get something to drink or pee. Sounds like Heaven to me. Do I truly see it happening?
This weekend I plan to start a new afghan. I'm going to call it Ode to Yarngirl because Julie was the inspiration. A while back she posted a pic of a shawl she finished for herself. The color she used for the shawl was Red Heart's Ranch Red and the fringe was made using Red Heart's Farmland. I became obsessed with these colors because they are just glorious together. I've been trying to decide what I could make using these colors and I've finally decided I'm going to do a single crochet afghan(yes I know kind of boring, not challenging, but I think it's going to be lovely, and I really didn't want to do another ripple afghan right now). I plan to SC two full skeins of Ranch Red, then SC a full skein of Red Heart Gold, then a full skein of Red Heart Med Thyme, then I'll use three full skeins of the Ranch Red(depending on how large it is at this point I may opt for just two skeins), then finish the afghan with a band of the med thyme, then the gold, then two skeins of Ranch Red, then I plan to SC around the afghan two or three times, maybe 4 using the Red Heart Farmland. I hope it turns out as pretty as I imagine it. All of these plans are flexible depending on how big the afghan grows with each skein. I have no sense of how much of an area can be crocheted using two 8 oz skeins of Red Heart yarn. My gold and med thyme bands may be way too wide if I use a full skein so I'm just going to play it by ear.
Last night I went and purchased my dream dishes. I have been carrying one of the bowls around all day just to show people how pretty they are. I can't believe they are mine, all mine. Of course I now need to get my kitchen sparkling so it is worthy of these magnificent dishes.
Today, thanks to Annette's Acre, I went this afternoon and purchased The Cake Mix Doctor's Cookbook. Can't wait to try quite a few of the recipes. I thought it would be a good investment right here before the holidays. Are you buying that reasoning? Works for me.
What could be better a weekend filled with crochet, yummy cake and pretty plates to eat it on?
I rented Van Helsing to watch tonight and my stupid DVD player can't read the flippin' DVD. I keep getting this 13:00 code. Annoying to say the least. I know eventually my DVD player will read the DVD but I'm really tired of opening, closing and hitting play, and repeating the action. I'm to the point of trashing the DVD player altogether and buying a new one. This one is an older model Sony and it's never made it easy to watch DVDs. I also rented Lady Killers and The Magdalene Sisters. I bought the movie Dirty Pretty Things on video, it was only $5 in the used video bin. I don't know if any of these movies are worth watching but they should keep me busy while crocheting this weekend. I keep hoping I won't have to leave the house but I'm sure I will we need groceries, the kids need haircuts, no chance of getting to sit around the house for hours and hours, I plan to give it my best shot on Sunday though. I'm hoping to get everything done Saturday and early Saturday at that and then spend the rest of my time doing what I want to do. Which consists of sitting on the couch working on a project and not moving unless it's to get something to drink or pee. Sounds like Heaven to me. Do I truly see it happening?
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Yesterday Was My Day Off or Was It?
Big plans for yesterday and I managed to accomplish all my goals.
1) Go to Needle Delights and pick up a frame I ordered back in the summer for L'Ete . I was broken hearted to see the destruction that Hurricane Ivan did to their building. They are undecided about whether to reopen or not. I also picked up TW Best of Christmas book that I had special ordered a couple of months ago. If they decide not to reopen it will be a great loss to my area's stitching community.
2) Go to post office and mail my mailart to my friend and a long overdue package of odds and ends novelty fabric to send to another friend working on I Spy quilts. I have already sent her one package of fabrics and have had this other envelope of fabric just sitting here for months so it felt good to get that out of the house and on it's merry way.
3) Go to FedEx and ship a long overdue swap package. Done. Whew! That was such a relief to get it out of the house.
4) Go to the Stitchery House and try to match threads for a Christmas ornament I want to stitch for some friends. The design calls for Needle Necessities Razzle Dazzle Red and British Green. I ended up deciding on Caron Wildflowers in Cinnabar for the red and Jade for the green. I bought two skeins of each even though I'm 100% sure that one skein would be enough for all three ornaments. I also found the other NN color I needed for this particular ornament #125. I went through that rack of thread 4 times last week and never saw this skein of thread. But yesterday there it was staring at me so I scooped it up too. So other than some infant sized black buttons and some Mill Hill agate hearts the ornaments are all kitted and ready for stitching. Now to just hope that I can get them finished in time to mail them before Christmas.
5) Go to Gus' and get a Cuban Sandwich and a Corona Salad(no beer in it that I know of) for lunch. It was too crowded and no place to park so I skipped that and opted for a Captain D's Shrimp dinner. What a let down after craving a Cuban sandwich all week.
Came home, relaxed for a little while and then the phone rang. It was work, someone was sick, could I come in? I said yes because I am planning to buy these dishes this weekend:
Pfaltzgraff: Quality Casual Dinnerware, Stainless Steel Flatware, Glassware an
I've been obsessing over these dishes for more than a year and I have finally saved up enough money to buy 8 place settings. These are the first real dishes I've bought since getting married 19 yrs ago and I think I'm long overdue for some new fancy dinnerware. I plan to buy 8 place settings and 8 bowls. I've been bouncing around between these and two other patterns as the other patterns are a little bit cheaper, and I finally decided that these are the dishes I want damn it! So I'm buying them and that's all there is to it. I want them on my table by Thanksgiving. I plan to clean my kitchen til it's sparkling between now and Saturday so that it's worthy of these beautiful dishes. My mom had a fit a few months ago when I told her I was saving money to buy these dishes and how much they were a place setting. Her response, "Walmart has beautiful dishes for $20 for a whole set why can't you be happy with those? Why do you have to go buy stuff to impress other people?" I told her since we rarely have company over for dinner and rarely sit at the dinner table for that matter, the laundry doesn't leave us much room to eat around it, I wasn't buying them to impress anyone but myself. I guess I let her words get to me and put off buying them another couple of months but I've been working so much lately I'd like to have something solid to show for it.
The "C" Word
Here it is almost the end of October and I've done no Christmas shopping for the boys yet. I have got to get started on that or I'll be running around December 24th frantically trying to find something for them. I've known all summer what I planned to buy but never got around to putting them in the layaway and now Christmas is almost here.
I have pulled out the Christmas CDs and am getting into the Christmas spirit. I have got to myself organized and start getting some shopping done. I guess after I splurge on my dishes all the money I make between now and December 24th is earmarked for Christmas shopping. DS#1 has a mile long list of DVDs and DVD sets he wants so those should be pretty easy to knock out. DS#2 hasn't asked for anything, but I think he'd be happy with some hipster clothes this year. Clothes have become very important to this 13 yr old boy. They are the most important thing in his universe at the moment. DS#3 wants a PS2. Yes we're still back in the 90s with a lame PlayStation 1. So DS#3 wants his own PS2, he can play music CDs and DVDs on it and thinks it is woth the investment. At least that's how he's sold me on the idea.
The Great Pumpkin
This weekend I plan to assemble my boys Halloween Stockings. They've been stitched for over three years, I'm scared to cut the fabric, I am not the greatest sewer(that's sew-er not sewer) in the world and if I mess up all that work I'll just stab myself in the head with a fork. But I went to JoAnn's bought some iron on interfacing to stablize the heatherfield fabric and am going to bite the bullet and attempt to turn these things into stockings. I must get them finished so the Great Pumpkin can leave them candy and a each a gift card to BooksAMillion.
I have yet to get DS#3's Halloween costume put together. He keeps changing his mind about what he wants to be. Looks like he may end up going as an 8 yr old or maybe we can get creative and say he's a 7 yr old or a 9 yr old.
Big plans for yesterday and I managed to accomplish all my goals.
1) Go to Needle Delights and pick up a frame I ordered back in the summer for L'Ete . I was broken hearted to see the destruction that Hurricane Ivan did to their building. They are undecided about whether to reopen or not. I also picked up TW Best of Christmas book that I had special ordered a couple of months ago. If they decide not to reopen it will be a great loss to my area's stitching community.
2) Go to post office and mail my mailart to my friend and a long overdue package of odds and ends novelty fabric to send to another friend working on I Spy quilts. I have already sent her one package of fabrics and have had this other envelope of fabric just sitting here for months so it felt good to get that out of the house and on it's merry way.
3) Go to FedEx and ship a long overdue swap package. Done. Whew! That was such a relief to get it out of the house.
4) Go to the Stitchery House and try to match threads for a Christmas ornament I want to stitch for some friends. The design calls for Needle Necessities Razzle Dazzle Red and British Green. I ended up deciding on Caron Wildflowers in Cinnabar for the red and Jade for the green. I bought two skeins of each even though I'm 100% sure that one skein would be enough for all three ornaments. I also found the other NN color I needed for this particular ornament #125. I went through that rack of thread 4 times last week and never saw this skein of thread. But yesterday there it was staring at me so I scooped it up too. So other than some infant sized black buttons and some Mill Hill agate hearts the ornaments are all kitted and ready for stitching. Now to just hope that I can get them finished in time to mail them before Christmas.
5) Go to Gus' and get a Cuban Sandwich and a Corona Salad(no beer in it that I know of) for lunch. It was too crowded and no place to park so I skipped that and opted for a Captain D's Shrimp dinner. What a let down after craving a Cuban sandwich all week.
Came home, relaxed for a little while and then the phone rang. It was work, someone was sick, could I come in? I said yes because I am planning to buy these dishes this weekend:
Pfaltzgraff: Quality Casual Dinnerware, Stainless Steel Flatware, Glassware an
I've been obsessing over these dishes for more than a year and I have finally saved up enough money to buy 8 place settings. These are the first real dishes I've bought since getting married 19 yrs ago and I think I'm long overdue for some new fancy dinnerware. I plan to buy 8 place settings and 8 bowls. I've been bouncing around between these and two other patterns as the other patterns are a little bit cheaper, and I finally decided that these are the dishes I want damn it! So I'm buying them and that's all there is to it. I want them on my table by Thanksgiving. I plan to clean my kitchen til it's sparkling between now and Saturday so that it's worthy of these beautiful dishes. My mom had a fit a few months ago when I told her I was saving money to buy these dishes and how much they were a place setting. Her response, "Walmart has beautiful dishes for $20 for a whole set why can't you be happy with those? Why do you have to go buy stuff to impress other people?" I told her since we rarely have company over for dinner and rarely sit at the dinner table for that matter, the laundry doesn't leave us much room to eat around it, I wasn't buying them to impress anyone but myself. I guess I let her words get to me and put off buying them another couple of months but I've been working so much lately I'd like to have something solid to show for it.
The "C" Word
Here it is almost the end of October and I've done no Christmas shopping for the boys yet. I have got to get started on that or I'll be running around December 24th frantically trying to find something for them. I've known all summer what I planned to buy but never got around to putting them in the layaway and now Christmas is almost here.
I have pulled out the Christmas CDs and am getting into the Christmas spirit. I have got to myself organized and start getting some shopping done. I guess after I splurge on my dishes all the money I make between now and December 24th is earmarked for Christmas shopping. DS#1 has a mile long list of DVDs and DVD sets he wants so those should be pretty easy to knock out. DS#2 hasn't asked for anything, but I think he'd be happy with some hipster clothes this year. Clothes have become very important to this 13 yr old boy. They are the most important thing in his universe at the moment. DS#3 wants a PS2. Yes we're still back in the 90s with a lame PlayStation 1. So DS#3 wants his own PS2, he can play music CDs and DVDs on it and thinks it is woth the investment. At least that's how he's sold me on the idea.
The Great Pumpkin
This weekend I plan to assemble my boys Halloween Stockings. They've been stitched for over three years, I'm scared to cut the fabric, I am not the greatest sewer(that's sew-er not sewer) in the world and if I mess up all that work I'll just stab myself in the head with a fork. But I went to JoAnn's bought some iron on interfacing to stablize the heatherfield fabric and am going to bite the bullet and attempt to turn these things into stockings. I must get them finished so the Great Pumpkin can leave them candy and a each a gift card to BooksAMillion.
I have yet to get DS#3's Halloween costume put together. He keeps changing his mind about what he wants to be. Looks like he may end up going as an 8 yr old or maybe we can get creative and say he's a 7 yr old or a 9 yr old.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday!!!
Why am I so excited about Wednesday? It's my day off! It's the greatest day of the week. Yesterday was my birthday. I was (gulp) 41. Ouch, really hurts to type that. Not that I mind getting older(notice I said older not old) but turning 40 for me was a huge milestone. It's when baby fever hit big time. I've been bouncing around for two years over whether or not to have another baby. I miscarried a couple of years ago and that made me realize how much I wanted another baby, but let's face, I'm not a kid any more, we aren't wealthy, it's not easy for people like us to raise a child who will be college age when we are in our early 60s. Then again, I miss the whole baby thing. I miss pregnancy, I miss childbirth, I miss those quiet two am feedings when all the house is still and it's just momma and baby. DH pointed out it's not like we'll be retired at 60 anyway so what's one more baby? Only time will tell. I'm not trying but it wouldn't be the end of the world to find out I had a baby on the way.
I have a lot to do today which I hate on my day off. It's my one day to have the house to myself but I have errands to run too. I'm hoping to get things done early but I'll probably be in the car all day.
Why am I so excited about Wednesday? It's my day off! It's the greatest day of the week. Yesterday was my birthday. I was (gulp) 41. Ouch, really hurts to type that. Not that I mind getting older(notice I said older not old) but turning 40 for me was a huge milestone. It's when baby fever hit big time. I've been bouncing around for two years over whether or not to have another baby. I miscarried a couple of years ago and that made me realize how much I wanted another baby, but let's face, I'm not a kid any more, we aren't wealthy, it's not easy for people like us to raise a child who will be college age when we are in our early 60s. Then again, I miss the whole baby thing. I miss pregnancy, I miss childbirth, I miss those quiet two am feedings when all the house is still and it's just momma and baby. DH pointed out it's not like we'll be retired at 60 anyway so what's one more baby? Only time will tell. I'm not trying but it wouldn't be the end of the world to find out I had a baby on the way.
I have a lot to do today which I hate on my day off. It's my one day to have the house to myself but I have errands to run too. I'm hoping to get things done early but I'll probably be in the car all day.
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Quiet Lonely Weekend
The DH is gone this weekend. He's on his spiritual mecca to Oakland, CA to worship at the Raider Shrine. I miss him more than I thought I would. I figured with the boys here, tons of neighbor kids I wouldn't miss him too much, but I do. I guess that's a good thing after 19 yrs of marriage.
Weekend Plans
Yesterday at Walmart I bought 8 skeins of Lionbrand Homespun in the Waterfall color. I love the colors in this yarn, reminds me of Red Heart Ocean which is one of my favorite ombres. I want to make this afghan: Welcome to the official Lion Brand® Yarn Knitting and Crocheting Web Site. If the afghan pattern doesn't come up in the link, click on Crochet Patterns in the column to the left and then on the Waterfall afghan. I also have some Plantation Homespun here to make the same afghan in that color too. I had intended for it to be for my oldest son whose favorite color is green but he said it wasn't bright enough, so I'm in search of the perfect neon green yarn(other than Red Heart Kids Lime) for his afghan. He likes Red Heart's Paddy Green, I don't so I'm trying to decide if I can crochet him an afghan in a color that I dislike so much.
I also bought some Red Heart Ranch Red and Farmland after seeing yarngirl 's shawl. I loved the colors so much. I thought about using the Farmland as fringe on a Red Heart Cornmeal shawl because I fell in love with Cornmeal after seeing yarnicopia, Ro's Cornmeal shawl, but my Walmart was out of the Cornmeal, so I couldn't really see if the Farmland would work with the Cornmeal as fringe. If I have to make a trip to my other Walmart in the not too distant future(and who doesn't?) I'm hoping they'll have some Cornmeal and then I can play around with the Farmland/Cornmeal idea. Until then it doesn't hurt to have extra yarn around in pretty colors does it?
I'm still working on my mailart for my friend. I had hoped it'd be finished by this morning but it's not so that's my project for the day. Hopefully I'll finish it by this afternoon and then can sew it together tomorrow. I have a stack of movies here to watch, but I also have Katie McAlister's A Girl's Guide to Vampires here to read. I'd like to read it this weekend too. Crochet, cross stitch, books, movies, no DH, food in the house, what do I do first?
After following Hazelnut Latte's knitting progress, I think I'm going to invest in that Coats & Clark Knitting CDRom. It's obviously good, Becky is already knitting socks! Her knitting skills have progressed rapidly and I'm hoping to have to have the same luck but I just can't imagine me knitting with three needles. Heck I can't imagine me knitting with two needles. The CD Rom isn't available locally so I'm going to order it from either Mary Maxim or Herrschnerrs. I saw it in one of their catalogs.
After a discussion in my email loop over Christmas music, I've pulled out the Christmas CDs and am trying to get myself in the Christmas state of mind. I made a trip to the LNS on Wednesday and got some ornament cuts of fabric to make a few ornaments. I also picked up the WDWs I needed for BOAF's Remember Me On Halloween. I think this link takes you to the main Halloween page, it's the third design on the top row. I've had this in the stash for years and started it once on aida with DMC, ick. So I tossed that and restarted it on some 32ct willow linen and am using a mix of WDWs and GASTs. My LNS didn't have all the WDWs I needed so I subbed some of the GASTs for them. I think they'll work ok. I always cringe when I have to make a color decision, I have no sense of what matches, what works together but I went ahead and did the best I could. This is such a busy piece hopefully just about anything will work with it.
Last night while at the mall with the boys I bought two new large Yankee Candles. I bought my old faithful Home Sweet Home scent and I also bought Sunwashed Linen. Smells just like you'd imagine, laundry. I figure with 5 cats, 1 dog and three boys one's home can smell worse than clean laundry. At the very least DH will think he has clean clothes. Next trip to the mall I plan to buy one of the Midsummer's Eve candles. I love that smell. It's another old favorite. These candles are definitely worth the money, my Home Sweet Home large jar candle has lasted me at least two years. I just hate that they keep discontinuing my favorite scents. Lemonlime was a great fresh scent and I'm down to my last inch or so of candle in the jar. I'm hoping Home Sweet Home and Midsummer's Eve are in the inventory forever.
The DH is gone this weekend. He's on his spiritual mecca to Oakland, CA to worship at the Raider Shrine. I miss him more than I thought I would. I figured with the boys here, tons of neighbor kids I wouldn't miss him too much, but I do. I guess that's a good thing after 19 yrs of marriage.
Weekend Plans
Yesterday at Walmart I bought 8 skeins of Lionbrand Homespun in the Waterfall color. I love the colors in this yarn, reminds me of Red Heart Ocean which is one of my favorite ombres. I want to make this afghan: Welcome to the official Lion Brand® Yarn Knitting and Crocheting Web Site. If the afghan pattern doesn't come up in the link, click on Crochet Patterns in the column to the left and then on the Waterfall afghan. I also have some Plantation Homespun here to make the same afghan in that color too. I had intended for it to be for my oldest son whose favorite color is green but he said it wasn't bright enough, so I'm in search of the perfect neon green yarn(other than Red Heart Kids Lime) for his afghan. He likes Red Heart's Paddy Green, I don't so I'm trying to decide if I can crochet him an afghan in a color that I dislike so much.
I also bought some Red Heart Ranch Red and Farmland after seeing yarngirl 's shawl. I loved the colors so much. I thought about using the Farmland as fringe on a Red Heart Cornmeal shawl because I fell in love with Cornmeal after seeing yarnicopia, Ro's Cornmeal shawl, but my Walmart was out of the Cornmeal, so I couldn't really see if the Farmland would work with the Cornmeal as fringe. If I have to make a trip to my other Walmart in the not too distant future(and who doesn't?) I'm hoping they'll have some Cornmeal and then I can play around with the Farmland/Cornmeal idea. Until then it doesn't hurt to have extra yarn around in pretty colors does it?
I'm still working on my mailart for my friend. I had hoped it'd be finished by this morning but it's not so that's my project for the day. Hopefully I'll finish it by this afternoon and then can sew it together tomorrow. I have a stack of movies here to watch, but I also have Katie McAlister's A Girl's Guide to Vampires here to read. I'd like to read it this weekend too. Crochet, cross stitch, books, movies, no DH, food in the house, what do I do first?
After following Hazelnut Latte's knitting progress, I think I'm going to invest in that Coats & Clark Knitting CDRom. It's obviously good, Becky is already knitting socks! Her knitting skills have progressed rapidly and I'm hoping to have to have the same luck but I just can't imagine me knitting with three needles. Heck I can't imagine me knitting with two needles. The CD Rom isn't available locally so I'm going to order it from either Mary Maxim or Herrschnerrs. I saw it in one of their catalogs.
After a discussion in my email loop over Christmas music, I've pulled out the Christmas CDs and am trying to get myself in the Christmas state of mind. I made a trip to the LNS on Wednesday and got some ornament cuts of fabric to make a few ornaments. I also picked up the WDWs I needed for BOAF's Remember Me On Halloween. I think this link takes you to the main Halloween page, it's the third design on the top row. I've had this in the stash for years and started it once on aida with DMC, ick. So I tossed that and restarted it on some 32ct willow linen and am using a mix of WDWs and GASTs. My LNS didn't have all the WDWs I needed so I subbed some of the GASTs for them. I think they'll work ok. I always cringe when I have to make a color decision, I have no sense of what matches, what works together but I went ahead and did the best I could. This is such a busy piece hopefully just about anything will work with it.
Last night while at the mall with the boys I bought two new large Yankee Candles. I bought my old faithful Home Sweet Home scent and I also bought Sunwashed Linen. Smells just like you'd imagine, laundry. I figure with 5 cats, 1 dog and three boys one's home can smell worse than clean laundry. At the very least DH will think he has clean clothes. Next trip to the mall I plan to buy one of the Midsummer's Eve candles. I love that smell. It's another old favorite. These candles are definitely worth the money, my Home Sweet Home large jar candle has lasted me at least two years. I just hate that they keep discontinuing my favorite scents. Lemonlime was a great fresh scent and I'm down to my last inch or so of candle in the jar. I'm hoping Home Sweet Home and Midsummer's Eve are in the inventory forever.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Quiet Rainy Weekend
The last two days have been nice and quiet around here. Yesterday I made a trip over to Pensacola to go to Hobby Lobby, there was an ad in the Sunday paper, I assumed they survived Hurricane Ivan. WRONG! We got all the way over there and they were closed, with a huge hole in the front of the building. So the trip wouldn't be a waste we headed over to Micheals. Should have just headed home. Micheals is awful, at least the one near me. Although "near" is a realitive term. So few yarns, no one to answer any questions. I ended up buying a package of woven label stickers for scrapbooking, a metal glue for scrapbooking and TW's Egyptian Sampler. I had intended to pick up Celestial Dragon too and forgot it. The sad part is, I only spent the money because I didn't want that 30 miles out of the way trip to be for nothing. Guess I'll be doing all my inexpensive yarn shopping via catalog or internet from now on.
Today I put the first stitches into BOAF's Remember Me on Halloween. I believe the design can be seen at I love this piece. I had started it years ago on aida with DMC and hated it. Then I misplaced the chart and found it yesterday while searching for two other charts. One, an ornament chart I want to stitch for three friends. They are all stitchers. I want to do the same ornament for all three. Is that ok? I want to stitch this particular ornament because it's my favorite ornament of all time. I recieved it in a swap one year and love it so much, I want to stitch it for these special friends. Will I actually be able to accomplish this? Hmmmm, that remains to be seen. Will my friends be insulted to know that I stitched the same ornament for each of them(they all know each other too)?
DH is heading out to Oakland, CA next weekend to see the Raiders play Denver. I'm hoping for a quiet weekend of watching movies and stitching. I'd love to get at least one of these ornaments finished over the weekend. I have so much I want to do over the next few weeks. I can only dream about all I hope to cram into one weekend.
I can't believe we are almost to the middle of October. I've lost a month somewhere. With the kids being out of school for the last month, THANK YOU IVAN(insert sarcastic tone), I've been in a summer frame of mind. I've barely even started to think about Halloween, now I'm feeling the Thanksgiving/Christmas crunch coming on.
On a happy relaxing note, I'm planning a major trip to the LNS on Wednesday. I want to pick up these two Mirabilia charts:
Madonna of the Garden #79 and Royal Holiday (a Christmas Queen) #78
I'm usually not too big on her Queens as they all appear to be smelling a distasteful odor but the Christmas Queen has grown on me and Madonna of the Garden is, what can I say, just a beautiful piece. I have so many Mirabilias I need to get kitted up in the next few weeks so I'll have them all ready to stitch sometime in the future. I worry about not having the money for fabric when I finally decide to stitch something. It doesn't spoil so I look at it as an investment in a happy stitching future. I'm going through a period when I feel like I need to stock up on luxury items and that is definitely my stitching. I haven't had a major LNS spending spree in a while so I plan to pick up these two charts if they have them in stock, a couple of Halloween L*K charts, and some WDWs I need for Remember Me on Halloween.
I've given up stressing over finishing anything. I just can't stitch like that. If I want to stitch something for someone it has to be without a deadline. I will stitch it because I love them and want to stitch it for them but I can't put a deadline on it or it will never get worked on because I will begin to resent the project. I just can't give something away to someone knowing that I might have stitched on it while having deep feelings of resentment. That's just putting bad karma out there all over the place. So if I want to stitch something for someone, from now on I will not put a deadline on it. I'll just stitch and hope that I manage to finish it in their lifetime.
I'm also going through a phase where all my projects are literally screaming at me, work on me, start me, fondle me. They just won't be quiet. I spent all day yesterday looking for my L*K Betty Broomstick kit. I can't find her. I found her boyfriend Vinnie Von Fang but no sign of Betty anywhere. The last time I saw her was sometime last Christmas when I pulled her out to take on a plane with me. She did make it home, just not sure where I put her when I got back. This is the story of my life. I used to be so organized where my stitching is concerned, I think stash accumulation has made me careless with my stitching stuff. I know bite your tongue, get your priorities straight.
The last two days have been nice and quiet around here. Yesterday I made a trip over to Pensacola to go to Hobby Lobby, there was an ad in the Sunday paper, I assumed they survived Hurricane Ivan. WRONG! We got all the way over there and they were closed, with a huge hole in the front of the building. So the trip wouldn't be a waste we headed over to Micheals. Should have just headed home. Micheals is awful, at least the one near me. Although "near" is a realitive term. So few yarns, no one to answer any questions. I ended up buying a package of woven label stickers for scrapbooking, a metal glue for scrapbooking and TW's Egyptian Sampler. I had intended to pick up Celestial Dragon too and forgot it. The sad part is, I only spent the money because I didn't want that 30 miles out of the way trip to be for nothing. Guess I'll be doing all my inexpensive yarn shopping via catalog or internet from now on.
Today I put the first stitches into BOAF's Remember Me on Halloween. I believe the design can be seen at I love this piece. I had started it years ago on aida with DMC and hated it. Then I misplaced the chart and found it yesterday while searching for two other charts. One, an ornament chart I want to stitch for three friends. They are all stitchers. I want to do the same ornament for all three. Is that ok? I want to stitch this particular ornament because it's my favorite ornament of all time. I recieved it in a swap one year and love it so much, I want to stitch it for these special friends. Will I actually be able to accomplish this? Hmmmm, that remains to be seen. Will my friends be insulted to know that I stitched the same ornament for each of them(they all know each other too)?
DH is heading out to Oakland, CA next weekend to see the Raiders play Denver. I'm hoping for a quiet weekend of watching movies and stitching. I'd love to get at least one of these ornaments finished over the weekend. I have so much I want to do over the next few weeks. I can only dream about all I hope to cram into one weekend.
I can't believe we are almost to the middle of October. I've lost a month somewhere. With the kids being out of school for the last month, THANK YOU IVAN(insert sarcastic tone), I've been in a summer frame of mind. I've barely even started to think about Halloween, now I'm feeling the Thanksgiving/Christmas crunch coming on.
On a happy relaxing note, I'm planning a major trip to the LNS on Wednesday. I want to pick up these two Mirabilia charts:
Madonna of the Garden #79 and Royal Holiday (a Christmas Queen) #78
I'm usually not too big on her Queens as they all appear to be smelling a distasteful odor but the Christmas Queen has grown on me and Madonna of the Garden is, what can I say, just a beautiful piece. I have so many Mirabilias I need to get kitted up in the next few weeks so I'll have them all ready to stitch sometime in the future. I worry about not having the money for fabric when I finally decide to stitch something. It doesn't spoil so I look at it as an investment in a happy stitching future. I'm going through a period when I feel like I need to stock up on luxury items and that is definitely my stitching. I haven't had a major LNS spending spree in a while so I plan to pick up these two charts if they have them in stock, a couple of Halloween L*K charts, and some WDWs I need for Remember Me on Halloween.
I've given up stressing over finishing anything. I just can't stitch like that. If I want to stitch something for someone it has to be without a deadline. I will stitch it because I love them and want to stitch it for them but I can't put a deadline on it or it will never get worked on because I will begin to resent the project. I just can't give something away to someone knowing that I might have stitched on it while having deep feelings of resentment. That's just putting bad karma out there all over the place. So if I want to stitch something for someone, from now on I will not put a deadline on it. I'll just stitch and hope that I manage to finish it in their lifetime.
I'm also going through a phase where all my projects are literally screaming at me, work on me, start me, fondle me. They just won't be quiet. I spent all day yesterday looking for my L*K Betty Broomstick kit. I can't find her. I found her boyfriend Vinnie Von Fang but no sign of Betty anywhere. The last time I saw her was sometime last Christmas when I pulled her out to take on a plane with me. She did make it home, just not sure where I put her when I got back. This is the story of my life. I used to be so organized where my stitching is concerned, I think stash accumulation has made me careless with my stitching stuff. I know bite your tongue, get your priorities straight.
Friday, October 08, 2004
So I borrowed this from Jen :
1). What time do you get up? 4am
2.) If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Jackson Browne
3.) Gold/silver?Silver
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Hildago
5. What is your favorite tv show? Judging Amy
6. What did you have for breakfast? Coffee and fresh pineapple
7). Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? No one I can name here
8). What/Who inspires you? Nature, the Gulf of Mexico, people who think outside the box.
9). What is your middle name? Ann
10). Beach, City or Country? Beach, then the country is a close second-I've been dreaming nonstop of mountians, wide open spaces
11.) Favorite ice cream? Mayfield's Turtle Tracks or Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey
12). Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Butter
13). Favorite color? Purple
14). What kind of car do you drive? 1995 GMC Stepside pick up truck
15). Favorite sandwich? BLT
16). What characteristic do you despise? Greed
17). Favorite flowers? Hibiscus and tulips
18). What is your dream vacation? Two different dreams, one traveling out West in the USA and the other is traveling to Europe
19). What color is your bathroom? Terracotta
20). Favorite brand of clothing? Nike T-shirts the older gray ones, they are so soft
21). Where would you retire? South Florida or Idaho
22). Favorite day of the week? Wednesday, I'm off work and the kids are in school, it's my day
23). What did you do for your last birthday? Went out to eat can't remember where
24). Where were you born? West Tennessee
25). Favorite sport to watch? Baseball
28) Which detergent do you use? Arm & Hammer with Bleach alternative
29.) Coke or Pepsi? Coke
30) Are you a morning person or a night owl? Mornings, especially about 3 am when everything and everyone is quiet
31) What is your shoe size? 7
32). Do you have any pets? Black Lab-Heidi, 5 Cats- Got Milk, Crystal, Hermoine, Sabrina and Holly
33) Your favorite season? Autumn
34). What time is it? 7:10pm Central time
35. Name as it appears on your birth certificate. I'll pass on this one
36) Nickname? Missy
37) Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 40
38) Kids? 3 boys, 16, 13, & 8
39) Hair colour? brownish blonde
40) Tattoos?None.
41) Eyes? Green
42) How much do you love your job? A lot
43) Favorite foods? My grandmother's chicken and dumplings, a mushroom/bacon/swiss burger
44) Been to Africa? No
45) Been toileting papering? Another lifetime ago
46) Have you ever been in love? Still am
47) Been in a car accident? Two, one in '83 totaled my Pinto Runabout and one in '89 in Chicago
48) Croutons or bacon bits? Both
49) Favorite saying or phrase? "All that is gold does not glitter, all those who wander are not lost." JRR Tolkein
50) Favorite restaurant? Pepitos Mexican Restaurant
51) Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Unsweet Tea
52) How many times did you fail your driver's test? 0
53) Do you sing in the shower? All the time
54) At which store would you like to max your credit card? Bed, Bath and Beyond
55) What do you do most when you are bored? Sleep or read
56) Bedtime? 10pm
59) Glass half empty or half full? Half Empty
60) If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? Idaho
61) What is your most annoying habit? Putting things off to the last minute and worrying about any and everything
62) When was your last true vacation? A Stitching Retreat in Rochester, NY in October 2001(think that's the right year)
So I borrowed this from Jen :
1). What time do you get up? 4am
2.) If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Jackson Browne
3.) Gold/silver?Silver
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Hildago
5. What is your favorite tv show? Judging Amy
6. What did you have for breakfast? Coffee and fresh pineapple
7). Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? No one I can name here
8). What/Who inspires you? Nature, the Gulf of Mexico, people who think outside the box.
9). What is your middle name? Ann
10). Beach, City or Country? Beach, then the country is a close second-I've been dreaming nonstop of mountians, wide open spaces
11.) Favorite ice cream? Mayfield's Turtle Tracks or Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey
12). Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Butter
13). Favorite color? Purple
14). What kind of car do you drive? 1995 GMC Stepside pick up truck
15). Favorite sandwich? BLT
16). What characteristic do you despise? Greed
17). Favorite flowers? Hibiscus and tulips
18). What is your dream vacation? Two different dreams, one traveling out West in the USA and the other is traveling to Europe
19). What color is your bathroom? Terracotta
20). Favorite brand of clothing? Nike T-shirts the older gray ones, they are so soft
21). Where would you retire? South Florida or Idaho
22). Favorite day of the week? Wednesday, I'm off work and the kids are in school, it's my day
23). What did you do for your last birthday? Went out to eat can't remember where
24). Where were you born? West Tennessee
25). Favorite sport to watch? Baseball
28) Which detergent do you use? Arm & Hammer with Bleach alternative
29.) Coke or Pepsi? Coke
30) Are you a morning person or a night owl? Mornings, especially about 3 am when everything and everyone is quiet
31) What is your shoe size? 7
32). Do you have any pets? Black Lab-Heidi, 5 Cats- Got Milk, Crystal, Hermoine, Sabrina and Holly
33) Your favorite season? Autumn
34). What time is it? 7:10pm Central time
35. Name as it appears on your birth certificate. I'll pass on this one
36) Nickname? Missy
37) Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 40
38) Kids? 3 boys, 16, 13, & 8
39) Hair colour? brownish blonde
40) Tattoos?None.
41) Eyes? Green
42) How much do you love your job? A lot
43) Favorite foods? My grandmother's chicken and dumplings, a mushroom/bacon/swiss burger
44) Been to Africa? No
45) Been toileting papering? Another lifetime ago
46) Have you ever been in love? Still am
47) Been in a car accident? Two, one in '83 totaled my Pinto Runabout and one in '89 in Chicago
48) Croutons or bacon bits? Both
49) Favorite saying or phrase? "All that is gold does not glitter, all those who wander are not lost." JRR Tolkein
50) Favorite restaurant? Pepitos Mexican Restaurant
51) Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Unsweet Tea
52) How many times did you fail your driver's test? 0
53) Do you sing in the shower? All the time
54) At which store would you like to max your credit card? Bed, Bath and Beyond
55) What do you do most when you are bored? Sleep or read
56) Bedtime? 10pm
59) Glass half empty or half full? Half Empty
60) If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? Idaho
61) What is your most annoying habit? Putting things off to the last minute and worrying about any and everything
62) When was your last true vacation? A Stitching Retreat in Rochester, NY in October 2001(think that's the right year)
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Crochet Magazines
The other day at BooksAMillion I ran across BH&G's Simply Creative Crochet magazine and Woman's Day Quick & Easy Knitting and Crocheting. There are projects in both I have marked to kit up for future crocheting. The first project on my to do list is from Simply Creative Crochet and it's the Crazy Quilt Coverlet. Since I never have time to make a trip to Hobby Lobby I'm going to order the Woolease from the Lion Brand catalog I got in the mail the other day. I think JoAnn's may keep the cranberry in stock but I know I'll have to order the Loden, Chocolate Brown, Camel and Gold. I'd love to be able to run over to Hobby Lobby, I just don't see that happening any time soon. I also like the hooded car coat on the cover of the magazine.
I was going to include a link to the magazine cover but the one on the BH&Gs website is not the same one I have in my hands.
The other day at BooksAMillion I ran across BH&G's Simply Creative Crochet magazine and Woman's Day Quick & Easy Knitting and Crocheting. There are projects in both I have marked to kit up for future crocheting. The first project on my to do list is from Simply Creative Crochet and it's the Crazy Quilt Coverlet. Since I never have time to make a trip to Hobby Lobby I'm going to order the Woolease from the Lion Brand catalog I got in the mail the other day. I think JoAnn's may keep the cranberry in stock but I know I'll have to order the Loden, Chocolate Brown, Camel and Gold. I'd love to be able to run over to Hobby Lobby, I just don't see that happening any time soon. I also like the hooded car coat on the cover of the magazine.
I was going to include a link to the magazine cover but the one on the BH&Gs website is not the same one I have in my hands.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Things here have been way too busy. I'm working 7 days a week at the moment and it's exhausting. The busiest days this summer weren't anything like what we're doing now. It's unbelieveable.
I've finally let go of the satin stitches on this RR I've been working on. They are good. They aren't messy. I need to let them be and quit redoing them. I plan to finish up the beading on it tonight and send it on it's way to England hopefully tomorrow. I just want someone else's piece to be as close to perfect as possible. I agonize over it.
Once that is on it's way I can go back to work on L'Ete. I want to get this piece finished soon. It's for me, I want it on my wall NOW! The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow have been calling to me too.
It can be seen here, Carriage House Samplings - New Designs, scroll down it's about the 4th design down on the page. It's a gorgeous piece. I have it kitted and have started the border on the house in the top left corner but that's as far as I've gotten.
For today's featured cross stitch piece I've chosen Drawn Thread's Halloween House. It's another favorite of mine.
I stitched this piece back in 2000. As you can see it's still not framed but once it's framed it will hang on my sampler wall all year long.
Can I tell you how much I miss stitching? I remember way back when, like last winter, for instance, I could sit and stitch for 8 hours a day and not blink an eye. I miss those days. The sad part is, I didn't finish any more projects then than I do now. I stitched eight hours a day at least 4 days a week and still didn't finish any of my BAPs. Maybe that's because I have like 5000 honkin' big projects and absolutely no focus.
What is it that sets, oh I hate this term, but crafters, needleartists, knitters, crocheters, apart from the rest of the world? What is it about our personalities that draws us to the needle, the hook, knitting needles, the scrapbooking table? What is it about holding a needle of any kind that brings us such joy? Why do we miss it so damn much when we don't have time to cross stitch, crochet, knit, or scrapbook or fill in the blank with the creative outlet of your choosing? My mother thinks I'm insane whenever I whine about not having time to cross stitch or crochet. "Why do you want to sit around and do that stuff?" she asks with annoyance in her voice. I say, "It completes me"(please don't tell me that you just sprayed your beverage on your computer screen), but my needlework does complete me. It makes me feel good, it's creating something. It's creating something that adds to the beauty and comfort of my home. It's creating something that not everyone else has on their walls or in their homes. It's something that calms me, that makes me feel good about me. I know that's a strange thing to say, but it does. Even when projects are piling up as they are now, even when I haven't finished one flippin' thing in months, just the art of stitching or crocheting makes me feel better about me. I'm doing something. I'm an artist, in the loosest sense of the term of course. I'll be so glad when things calm down at work and I can embrace my stitching again. I want to make some Christmas ornaments, and I'd love to do a some more mailart for stitching friends. Actually I have this dream of enclosing all my Christmas cards in mailart envelopes. Yeah, like that's really going to happen. It's a nice dream though. I could really dream big and dream that I place all my handmade Christmas cards in hand stitched mailart envelopes. That definitely ain't going to happen. It's just not possible. It would be cool though wouldn't it?
I've finally let go of the satin stitches on this RR I've been working on. They are good. They aren't messy. I need to let them be and quit redoing them. I plan to finish up the beading on it tonight and send it on it's way to England hopefully tomorrow. I just want someone else's piece to be as close to perfect as possible. I agonize over it.
Once that is on it's way I can go back to work on L'Ete. I want to get this piece finished soon. It's for me, I want it on my wall NOW! The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow have been calling to me too.
It can be seen here, Carriage House Samplings - New Designs, scroll down it's about the 4th design down on the page. It's a gorgeous piece. I have it kitted and have started the border on the house in the top left corner but that's as far as I've gotten.
For today's featured cross stitch piece I've chosen Drawn Thread's Halloween House. It's another favorite of mine.

I stitched this piece back in 2000. As you can see it's still not framed but once it's framed it will hang on my sampler wall all year long.
Can I tell you how much I miss stitching? I remember way back when, like last winter, for instance, I could sit and stitch for 8 hours a day and not blink an eye. I miss those days. The sad part is, I didn't finish any more projects then than I do now. I stitched eight hours a day at least 4 days a week and still didn't finish any of my BAPs. Maybe that's because I have like 5000 honkin' big projects and absolutely no focus.
What is it that sets, oh I hate this term, but crafters, needleartists, knitters, crocheters, apart from the rest of the world? What is it about our personalities that draws us to the needle, the hook, knitting needles, the scrapbooking table? What is it about holding a needle of any kind that brings us such joy? Why do we miss it so damn much when we don't have time to cross stitch, crochet, knit, or scrapbook or fill in the blank with the creative outlet of your choosing? My mother thinks I'm insane whenever I whine about not having time to cross stitch or crochet. "Why do you want to sit around and do that stuff?" she asks with annoyance in her voice. I say, "It completes me"(please don't tell me that you just sprayed your beverage on your computer screen), but my needlework does complete me. It makes me feel good, it's creating something. It's creating something that adds to the beauty and comfort of my home. It's creating something that not everyone else has on their walls or in their homes. It's something that calms me, that makes me feel good about me. I know that's a strange thing to say, but it does. Even when projects are piling up as they are now, even when I haven't finished one flippin' thing in months, just the art of stitching or crocheting makes me feel better about me. I'm doing something. I'm an artist, in the loosest sense of the term of course. I'll be so glad when things calm down at work and I can embrace my stitching again. I want to make some Christmas ornaments, and I'd love to do a some more mailart for stitching friends. Actually I have this dream of enclosing all my Christmas cards in mailart envelopes. Yeah, like that's really going to happen. It's a nice dream though. I could really dream big and dream that I place all my handmade Christmas cards in hand stitched mailart envelopes. That definitely ain't going to happen. It's just not possible. It would be cool though wouldn't it?
Friday, October 01, 2004
Bad Omens Revisited
Yesterday I went on and on about the full red moon Wednesday night and how that was a sign of bad things to come. I went on to tell of my toilet troubles, etc. Well last night a semi drove into the small parking lot of the place where I work and managed to tear down all the power lines running from the pole to the building and to the bait shop next door. There were sparks, there was fire, there was a lot of damage. The icing on the cake was the driver getting out of the truck and saying, "Guess we can't get nothing to eat huh?" What an idiot! Why he thought he could pull into the parking lot and not tear down those low hanging lines I will never know. So today we are opening and going to run on power from the bait shop and from a couple of generators. What a mess. We are finally up and running again, make a lot of money for a change and then this happens. DH said he will never ignore me and my old wive's tales any more.
Back to Autumn
Here's today's Ode to Autumn stitching:
The designer is Birds of a Feather. I love their stuff!
Missing My Beach
I'm so lonely for my beach. We still aren't allowed on the beach and I'm completely annoyed about this. I don't see why repairing that 1/8 of a mile of road is so difficult. Repair it, open up the state park at the bottom of the bridge and the free county park right next to it. Set up a road block right there at the convenience store and let people use the beach. Set up a patrol at the base of the pier and don't let people beyond that point, but let us have access to our beach even if it's just a small portion of it.
Yesterday I went on and on about the full red moon Wednesday night and how that was a sign of bad things to come. I went on to tell of my toilet troubles, etc. Well last night a semi drove into the small parking lot of the place where I work and managed to tear down all the power lines running from the pole to the building and to the bait shop next door. There were sparks, there was fire, there was a lot of damage. The icing on the cake was the driver getting out of the truck and saying, "Guess we can't get nothing to eat huh?" What an idiot! Why he thought he could pull into the parking lot and not tear down those low hanging lines I will never know. So today we are opening and going to run on power from the bait shop and from a couple of generators. What a mess. We are finally up and running again, make a lot of money for a change and then this happens. DH said he will never ignore me and my old wive's tales any more.
Back to Autumn
Here's today's Ode to Autumn stitching:

The designer is Birds of a Feather. I love their stuff!
Missing My Beach
I'm so lonely for my beach. We still aren't allowed on the beach and I'm completely annoyed about this. I don't see why repairing that 1/8 of a mile of road is so difficult. Repair it, open up the state park at the bottom of the bridge and the free county park right next to it. Set up a road block right there at the convenience store and let people use the beach. Set up a patrol at the base of the pier and don't let people beyond that point, but let us have access to our beach even if it's just a small portion of it.
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