Friday, July 08, 2005

Hurricane Dennis Part 2

Well for a while it appeared that Dennis might make landfall to the far east of us near the Florida/Alabama line, now it looks, once again, like it's on a direct path to Pensacola Beach.

We're still not sure what to do. I have at least a week's worth of food in the house and hopefully enough water. If I make one more trip to the store it will be for more water, ice and sodas. Other than that we're good to go. I had to stop and pick up some candles this afternoon. Can't believe I forgot something like that. But now almost $300 later I think I'm prepared.

Now to do the laundry, clean both bathrooms and the kitchen and run the vacuum and I'm all set to hunker down for a while. Because I'm always one to make lemonade out of lemons, (yeah, you're believing that aren't ya?) I splurged on a few books from BooksAMillion this afternoon. I got David Maine's The Preservationist, a modern day Noah's tale, also picked up the Elizabeth Haydon Trilogy that was mentioned over at GirlReaction Rhapsody, Prophecy, and Destiny, yeah just went on and bought all three. If we're without power for a week like last time and my house is clean I might actually put the time to good use reading and stitching. No laundry to do, no meals to cook, I mean how long does it take to boil water for cupanoodle? Then again if we do decide to evacuate I'm also ready to spend some quality hotel time reading. Good plan doncha think?

Wish I had been able to make a quick run to the LNS to pick up my fabric of the month and the freebie Flipflop chart. Heaven knows if the bridges fall into the bay again it'll be months before I ever get a chance to get over there again. Man, here we are in the middle of a scary kind of situation and I'm concerned about my fabric of the month. Good to know I have my priorities straight huh? It's not like I don't have a gazillion things to work on already.

Had the digicam with me all day but didn't take any pictures. Will try to later today. Everyone wants to see pics of long gas station lines right?

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