Here's a much anticipated, I'm sure, HOHRH update:
Why Melissa how did you do that? I'm not telling, but corners will now match and that's what it's all about right? Below you can see the boring ariel shot:

Is there any way to photograph large cross stitch pieces in an artsy way? If so I haven't found it but my attempt at the art shot is usually pretty dismal. As witnessed below:

Above you can see an inprogress Ballband Warsh Rag courtesy of Mason Dixon Knitting. The pic is the gratuitous book shot, below you can see some completed Warsh Rags in the gratuitous book cover shot.

To show that these aren't precious knits, here they are serving as a coaster for my morning coffee. It was starting to downpour just as I hit click, so much for an artsy fartsy still life. What you see is what you get.

Deep dark secrets revealed below:

I restarted the top warsh rag several times, every time I set it aside and picked it back up I began knitting backwards. Biggest discovery of the weekend, it might serve me well to pay attention to whether or not I'm on an odd or even row before I put it down and maybe make a mental note regarding right or wrong side. It will be a big help in the future. I finally gave up and let the warsh rag win. I stopped it three rows short of the length is should be. It's ok, it's new job in life is to be a spoon rest for my coffee spoon every morning. Much better than actually touching soapy water and washing icky food off of nasty plates and much prettier than a paper towel.
I thought about taking a picture of my kitchen cotton stash and decided against it. Even though I have a lot, the colors are very limited as most of it has been purchased at the store who shall not be named(the in progress warsh rag should be evidence of how limited my color choices are at the moment). So I want to buy more, you know, broaden my color horizons, the spousal unit now reads my blog so let's just let him imagine how many balls of Peaches & Cream cotton I actually own. The store who shall not be named carries Peaches & Cream but only in a few colors. The majority of which are ombres, which is great, I love the ombres but the solids are very lacking on their shelves, that makes for some boring washrag knitting. On a positive note, you just can't go wrong with $1.27 a ball. For $2.54 you can easily knit two dish cloths prettier than anything you could buy and you've enjoyed some quiet, crafty time. The in progress warsh rag is being worked with Peaches & Cream light rose and darn it I can't find the ball band, but it's a pink varigated. The ones I've already knit are in Sugar & Cream Hot Pink and Play Time, Sugar & Cream Hot Pink and Peaches & Cream Lt Rose, and Sugar & Cream Hot Green and Splish Splash.
We watched no movies this weekend, how boring are we? We haven't even taken the kids to see the new Pirates of the Carribean movie yet. Just too many things going on at the moment. Next weekend should be a good movie weekend. Right now An Inconvenient Truth is showing at one of local theaters. I want to see it but the spousal unit says I'm the only one that wants to see it so chances are it won't be here next weekend. Funny, NOT. I also want to see Pirates of the Carribean and the Devil Wears Prada, and The Prairie Home Companion was showing at the independent movie theater but they don't keep those movies there very long. The chance of getting to see it has probably already passed.
This week will be spent cleaning out junk in the living room so we can paint this weekend. I think it will brighten up the room and just make it a much nicer place to hang out. Current paint choice is Kilz One Coat in Golden Margarita. So far we agree on it. I still have paint chips tacked up on the wall so we could change our minds when it comes time to actually buy the paint.