Friday, August 19, 2005

Alive and Well.....Alive

The stitching weekend was a lot of fun. The first leg of the trip was an adventure in and of itself. Because I am "El Cheapo" I flew standby. Well when one is flying standby on planes with about 50 seats, it's not a good thing. I've flown standby for a few years and never had a problem getting a seat, I mean I was able to get a seat on a plane a day before Christmas Eve. Well, let me tell ya, that was not going to be the case this time. After arriving at the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport at 8:28 Friday morning, I was still not able to acquire a seat on a plane by 7:00 pm that night. It doesn't help that while trying to score a seat on the 7:00 flight they taunted me continuously. They seated 5, 5 other standbys but not me. Then they tell me "we have a seat", then "no we don't", then "give me your ticket", then, "sorry, no seat". This went on for a while, then finally I gave up, and spent the night in the airport on a cot. One of the lonliest, coldest places in the world is an airport at 2am. I was able to get a seat on the first plane to Grand Rapids Saturday morning though so that worked out well.

I bought a minimal amount of stash. I think my grand total spent on stash for the weekend was $70. I could have spent more but was seriously concerned that I might need what cash I had to hold me over for a day or two either in Grand Rapids or at the Dallas/Ft Worth airport. I was taking no chances on the way home. The trip home went so well that I didn't even have time to pick up a "Don't Mess With Texas" t-shirt. I wanted one of those pretty bad because let's face it, Texas kicked my ass on Friday.


As you might have noticed I changed the blog template. Thought I was long overdue for a change around here. Blogger is acting strange or maybe it's my computer, at first when I tried to access my blog all I would get was the title, nothing else there. I couldn't access my edit blog page or anything. Then I decided to clean house, change stuff around and that seemed to do the trick. I also can't seem to use the enter key on the keyboard when I first try to write my blog. I have to tab through everything before I can move down a line or two. Not sure what's up with that. I don't know if the kids or the DH have locked in some weird setting or if it's just me. Probably me and my computer illiterate self.

Hoping to have some time this weekend to readd my links and update the old blog.

Stitching News

Not really much to write about. I started Samsarah's Always Be a Wildflower at my stitching weekend but as is usually the case I didn't really get too much done.

I did pull out my oldest U.F.O. last night. It's an old Dimensions kit titled Serene Shores. I started it either in late 1984 or sometime in 1985. It was supposed to be finished and ready to hang in my new home after the boy became my DH. It seems I've had this aversion to finishing projects since early on in my stitching career.

Hope to have some pics to post this weekend.

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