SNC Cypress Umber, Sun Ripened Rubarb, Tuscan Olive

When I got to the Parkers on the list I wondered if it's possible my husband's family might be related. I don't know and haven't asked them yet, but it was something to think about.

Is it wrong that when I got to John Proctor's name all I could think about was Daniel Day Lewis? But I didn't think about him as John Proctor in The Crucible, I was kind of thinking about him in his Last of the Mohicans persona. In a strange coincidence I was watching Age of Innocence around the time I was stitching John Proctor's name. I don't think the character Daniel Day Lewis portrayed in that movie would be a good tribute to the memory of John Proctor and isn't it strange that Winona Ryder was the conniving woman in both The Crucible and Age of Innocence and here I am stitching John Proctor's name but thinking about John Proctor as Long Rifle? How's that for a round of six degrees of separation?

I am a stitcher hear me roar!
One of the reasons I fell in love with cross stitch so many years ago was the history of the needlework. I was awed that young girls stitched these samplers as school work. Boy would I have preferred sampler stitching to Algebra I. So to find a modern piece anchored in history, well I felt the love immediately.
Lisa has a few new designs being released or maybe they already are, if you aren't familiar with her designs go browse her catalog, place an order and feel the love! Her designs can be seen here:
Next up for me, Cape Cod Girls and Simply Live-Missy-do you want to start this sometime soon? Let me know and I'll SAL with you.