Sunday, April 30, 2017

Why Hello There, Long Time No Write

Hey there!

How is life? It's only been what, three years since I took the time to write in this space. Let's hope I do it right!

I changed the title from Musings From a Three Bedroom Ranch because we no longer live in a three bedroom ranch and it was connected to another life. I don't mean to be dramatic but we rented for thirty years and finally took the very adult step and bought a house. It was kind of forced on us but honestly the best decision we ever made with the exception that we are smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood and I dreamed of being right in the middle of a few acres of land, but it's all good. We are easing into our third year as home owners and we have plans on a few upgrades this summer. For instance, a new A/C unit and tile in at least the living room and hallway and few minor changes like a new kitchen sink and faucet.

Anyway, I'm trying to familiarize myself with the new Blogger and hope I can post pictures while writing but who the heck knows so please stick with me as I work out all the kinks and relearn how to blog.

This is my Zane and my Zelda in our very sandy, weedy backyard but we are working on that! Zelda joined our family last February and we love her dearly. She's a bit of a loose cannon and has turned Zane, a perfectly well trained German Shepherd into a naughty boy(not really, he's still the greatest furbaby a girl could wish for) but we love her crazy and are trying to be good parents and train her a wee little bit.

Last Saturday we went to New Orleans for the day, dropping our niece at the Amtrak station and we got robbed. Yeah we never leave the house and then we leave, plan to have a little bit of fun and  some lowlife busts out the car window and steals my iPad mini and my Kindle Paperwhite. But the day was still a lot of fun. I had planned to do a quick Anne Rice tour, a bit of a Dark Hunter tour and to see Marie LaVeau's grave but, all those plans got put on the backburner after a call from NOLA PD about our car. But below are a few sights from the day and the best part is the very first pic, beignets from Café du Monde. Best café au lait in the world. I want to go back every weekend. Husband says we are cursed and no more adventures for a while. Of course he had just paid $300 to replace our rear passenger side window. He'll decide to adventure again one day. It will probably be centered around the Oakland Raiders playing somewhere nearby but there will be more adventures.

                                           Best part of NOLA!
                                                        Menu at Café du Monde
                                                        St. Louis Cathedral, picture taken from Jackson Square

                                          In Panama City there is a repeating section of tattoo parlors, liquor stores
                                          and Christian Retreats. In NOLA there's a Willie's Chicken Shack on every
                                          Saw this and thought of Amanda,

                                             This was the line we stood in waiting to get a table in Café du Monde.

So this is life at the moment. Next time, some stitching and crocheting and attempts at quilting. And hopefully more techie skilz!


Sharon said...

So glad you are blogging again. I think about doing it again since it's been around 5 years since I last blogged but I seem to have lost the blogging spirit. In happy yours is back.
How exciting to get to go to New Orleans but only to be robbed. That's awful. Lousy crooks. I'm so sorry that happened. (((((Missie)))))
I love your New blog name too. Cute. Can't wait to see more post and pics from you. Love you sister friend, Sharon xoxo

Andrea said...

Yay! So happy to see you post!! Hopefully lots of us that stopped will begin again. Figuring out blogger again isn't easy, but we can do it!
I'll always remember your encouragement to me when I first blogged in 2006 😘
Love your pups and happy for you and your hubs home purchase!

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Caitlin Daniels said...

It sounds like you've had a lot going on and are settling into your new home.