Hallows Eve Pinkeep
32ct antique white linen
Fabric aged by moi

Backing fabric for pinkeep-yeah, my homespun has a touch of bling, that's how I roll
November Manifesto
My plans for November are many:
1)Finish Primitive Needle's Black'd Skie
2)Make solid progress on Scarlet Letter's Emma Lerch
3)Finish the oldest son's Christmas stocking-Drawn Thread's Stefan's Christmas Stocking
4)Start the middle and youngest son's stockings-still debating a pattern for the middle son but the youngest has chosen BOAF's Wish Upon a Star Christmas Stocking.
5)Stitch some ornaments(designs and who they are for to be determined later)
There are probably more but right now these are at the top of the stitching priority list.
The other goal is to finish Nanowrimo this year. I have a writing schedule, I know the story I want to tell and with the oldest son finally employed I can do it. I am allowing myself a shitty first draft, thank you Annie Lamott and I'm just going to do it. I have a series planned, I know the stories of the first three books, I have a YA spinoff series and a prequel series and another spin off series. I just need to not have to share a computer and now for five hours Mon-Thurs I don't have to. I am going to do this. If everything goes as planned, of course it won't, I'll finish the first draft early, won't look at it again until January. Then I'll rewrite, then let a few friends read it, then rewrite it again, then see if my agent is interested and since she doesn't represent this kind of book, she won't be, then I begin the search for an agent. I have seen this book published, It will happen.
I love creative visualization. Creative visualization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anyone remember that scene from An Officer and a Gentleman where Debra Winger tells Richard Gere that if he sees himself flying jets it'll happen? Yeah, my life's philosophy based on a movie. If you see it, it will happen. My mantra. Kind of like George Costanza's "If you believe it, it's true" philosophy.
Happy November 1st!
Congrats on the finishes! They look great. Best of luck with your November goals. You are woman, hear you roar. You can do it!
Your agent doesn't rep this kind of book, but she knows an agent who does. (Someone's been reading Harvey Mackay.) Also, every first draft is shitty. The goal is to know that and be prepared to really revise. BTW, heard Ian Rankin interviewed about NaNoWriMo; he said he wrote the first Rebus mystery in 30 days. Now a draft usually takes 40-50. Totally do-able. You go girl!
Cute finishes! Good luck with the novel.
Congrats on the cute finishes and great finishing.
Wishing you luck with your November plans. I wish I were that ambitious.
Good luck with the writing. And congrats on the cute finishes!
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