Sunday, December 26, 2004

On the 11th Day of Christmas(ok I'm a little late)

I finished these Christmas gifts:

On the 12th Day of Christmas:

A very good friend sent me this:

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas or a great weekend.

Here are a couple of pics of my new stash cabinet. It wasn't a Christmas present but might as well have been. It was free, can't beat that.

I'm overwhelmed and can't even begin to figure out what I want to store where. All I know it's going to be great to empty a few Rubbermaid buckets and get them out of the living room. Does this mean I'm on my way to some type of organization? Will actually be able to find things when I need them? Will I manage to get to my living room decluttered? 2005 could be a whole new beginning for me and my stash.

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